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Effective Email Marketing - Does YouTube Come To Mind?

The power of effective email marketing is simply stunning.
You're a small baseball card company in Arizona.
And you know that to get really targeted traffic you need to blog and do a lot of other content-rich (make Google happy) things.
Because at the end of every day, Google cares about only ONE THING...
delivering content to the people doing searches.
So as this baseball card company, you put on your home page an OPT-IN mechanism that captures people's first names and emails and then allows you to establish a line of communication with them.
Holy everything, batman (and diminutive Robin)...
this is the greatest thing in the world for your online business.
You now have a way, no, a process, for showing people why your company is better than everyone else.
People can now stare at you and listen to your pitch over and over and watch the amount of PASSION you have.
And that is something that traditional advertising has ALWAYS lacked.
Guys, girls...
this is what you have waited for...
this is what you need to tap into YESTERDAY.
I could care less if you go through it with me, but do it.
Tomorrow morning.
Your business will grow exponentially if you are willing to be its ambassador and tell people the great content that you have.
Forget opinion, that's just what happens.
(And that comes from someone with about 19 years worth of Madison Avenue experience...
) PUSH your great content forward...
if you do this you become attractive.
We know, through testing that the average person needs to see your message about 7 times in order to get the right vibe for you.
To feel as though they are getting the SMARTEST purchase.
Now knowing that, why try and run around something that you know works? Effective video email marketing is about to become a huge force.

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