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Children's Art Projects on Indian Homes

    Paper Mache Wigwam

    • A model of a wigwam can be created by covering the dome half of an inflated balloon with paper mache. After the paper mache is several layers thick, pop the balloon and use a knife to cut the edges of the paper mache dome straight. Also cut an entryway and a smoke hole. Paint the wigwam light brown to resemble the natural materials of birch bark and woven grass originally used in creating wigwams.

    Paper Bag Teepee

    • A paper bag teepee can be created with a brown paper bag, four to five twigs, tape and paint. Gather the twigs into a bundle and tape them together towards the top of the bundle. Fan out the bottom of the bundle so that the twigs make an upside down cone shape. Cut a piece of the paper bag sized to wrap around the twigs and allow the child to paint symbols on it. Wrap the paper bag cutout into a cone shape and cut off the point of the cone to create a smoke hole. Fit the cone over the twig bundle and tape in place.

    Shoe box Longhouse

    • Use a shoe box without a lid to form the base of a longhouse. Paint the outside of the shoe box brown. Cut out one fourth of the shoe box bottom and flip the shoe box upside down. The original bottom of the shoe box is now the second story sleeping quarters typically found in a longhouse. Use a brown sheet of construction paper to curl lengthwise and attach from one long end of the shoe box to the other end forming a dome roof.

    Grass House on a Page

    • Use a white sheet of construction paper and brown crayons to draw an arch shaped frame representing the wooden beams of a grass house. Give each child an envelope and take the children outside to gather blades of grass. Glue the collected blades of grass onto the drawn frame to create a grass house. Encourage the children to use crayons to add details such as clouds, birds and an Indian family to the artwork.

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