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How to Approach Attractive Women - 3 Tips on Approaching a Woman and Making Her Want YOU!

It's not unnatural for most guys to have a kind of trepidation about approaching attractive women.
Anytime I am out with my buddies that I have known for a long time, I will end up giving one of them the nudge to approach a really good looking girl, and most of the time-- they end up coming up with an excuse for why they cannot do it.
Well, that seems to be a common thing amongst men, and it's kind of easy to understand why.
After all, we are taught since we were young, that beautiful women are something that we should treasure and even kind of "worship" in a way.
All of that just adds on a lot of pressure to a guy, and so, it becomes the easy thing to just avoid approaching a woman who we think is really attractive.
Here are 3 tips to help you get past this and start approaching attractive women and making them want YOU: 1.
If you are going to approach a woman, you have to make the move as soon as possible.
If you have ever been out with a group of female friends, then you probably have had the experience of them noticing a guy that is just kind of checking them out and not doing anything about it.
Well, most of the time, that becomes an instant turn off, and if your eyes linger a little too long, it can give off that creepy kind of vibe that women want to avoid.
You have to commit and just decide to walk up to her.
Don't think about it, just do it! 2.
She needs to get a confident vibe from you.
You might as well not even go through with it if you are going to act all awkward and nervous and like you don't think that you are good enough for her.
Man up and walk over to her with confidence.
Women can sense this kind of thing, and a confident man automatically comes off as being more their type than a guy that looks like he is totally out of his element.
You need to have an conversation opener, preferably one that does not come off like a pick up line.
A pick up line will do if you have absolutely nothing else to use, but you really need to be able to develop ways to open a conversation with a woman that seem to be natural and not part of an act.
If she is really good looking, then you can bet that she has already heard many of the classics and they will have a negative effect on her.
Still, being able to get the conversation started is more of the man's role, so you have to be able to do this.

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