Home & Garden Gardening

Tree Trimming Safety

    Assess Area For Potential Hazards

    • Well maintained trees enhance your property.tree image by Viera Pon from Fotolia.com

      Before starting, assess the area. Look for broken limbs, dangling electrical wires or developing weather hazards. Avoid climbing trees or branch cutting when it is icy, rainy, very windy, foggy, or when there is lightning. Clear the immediate area around a damaged tree. If a tree has partially fallen on others, be alert to their springing back action, which could propel branches or objects toward you. If you’re working near a roadway, be certain that falling branches won’t create additional hazards.

    Prevent Electrical Accidents

    • Chain saws should be used with caution.Chain saw against firewood pile image by Andrzej Thiel from Fotolia.com

      Always assume that power lines are energized and never touch dangling ones! Before starting any work with trees that are near power lines, contact the utility company about turning off the energy, grounding or shielding these lines with insulating blankets. Know the minimum safe working distance from live power lines; use non-conductive tools and equipment. When removing branches, use pull ropes to prevent them from falling over power lines and wear rubber gloves when using a pole pruner. Wooden pruner handles must be dry and the cutting head connected to the lower end of the pole with a polypropylene rope, never a chain or wire. Use extreme caution when moving ladders near downed power lines.

    Avoid Falls

    • When trimming trees, one person should remain on the ground.climb image by Natalia Pavlova from Fotolia.com

      Check safety gear, harnesses, latches, ropes to be certain that equipment is in good working order with no tears or flaws. Don’t raise or lower cutting equipment on safety lines which could cause damage. When cutting, avoid nicking or accidentally damaging lines and safety ropes. Do not climb with saws, pruners or cutting tools in your hands. Don’t use dead, cracked branches for support; be wary of diseased, weakened or split trees. When climbing, move one hand or foot at a time, placing them on separate limbs. Break off dead branches as you climb. Tie ladders to secure branch before using and never leave partially sawn limbs on trees. An aerial lift may be the safest choice for trimming diseased trees but be certain you know its operation.

    Avoid Injury From Falling Objects

    Use Safety Equipment

    • Avoid power lines when trimming trees.ice storm image by tamdesigns from Fotolia.com

      Wear non-conductive hard hat, safety goggles, leather gauntlet gloves, long-sleeved, well fitting clothes that will not become hung up on tree branches. Protect yourself from chainsaw kickback with chaps and protective gear. Wear tough safety shoes with a heel and non-slip sole. Use safety belts, lifelines, approved ropes and fall protection gear. Always work with someone on the ground; know first aid and CPR.

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