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DIY Hanging Fluorescent Light Fixtures

    • 1). Locate two frame members, either studs or rafters that are nearly the same distance apart as your light fixture is wide. If you don't have any place where the rafters or studs are that distance apart, then you may use a single rafter for mounting your light fixture.

      It is important that your light fixture is attached to a heavy-duty frame piece, so that there will be enough strength to support the fixture. Attaching it to drywall may cause it to come loose and fall.

    • 2). Remove your fixture from the box and assemble all the pieces except for the fluorescent tubes; these will be installed later.

    • 3). Make sure you have attached the chains to the top of the fixture. There should be two of them, one at either end, and each will form a triangle at the top of the fixture. Be sure the triangles are relatively the same length. If your ceiling is level, if it is vaulted, you may have to experiment with the lengths to get the fixture level.

    • 4). Measure the distance between the two chains. Then mark this distance on your ceiling in the place you previously chose. Then just to be sure measure it again.

    • 5). Attach heavy duty-hooks,such as large cup hooks, to the ceiling in the exact spot you just marked. Make sure they are not going to pull out when pressure is applied.

    • 6). Slip the chain over the hook, on each end. Now, using the level make sure that your fixture is level. If it is not, adjust the chain on either side until it is level.

    • 7). Run the electrical cord from the fixture to the nearest electrical outlet. Make sure that the cord is not in the way of sharp objects, such as fan or lawn mower blades; and also make sure that it is out of the way so no one trips over it. Make sure that the electrical switch, usually in line on the cord, is in the off position, and close enough that you can reach it with no trouble.

    • 8). Install the fluorescent tubes according to manufacturer's instructions. Be careful with them because they can break easily. Switch on the light.

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