Cultivating a Sense of Gratitude
How often do you sit in a cafe, hands cupping a warm latte, grateful for the hands that carefully picked coffee cherries, which ended up in your mug? I remember on several occasions my mood is anything but grateful despite having everything I need. I can afford little luxuries too, like a quality cup of chai with steamed soymilk.
The energy of gratitude is a creative one. It magically transforms us and breaks us free of our limited and potentially destructive egocentric state. Experiencing gratitude bars negative emotions. Not experiencing it can bring doubt and discontent. So why can't I choose to be grateful all the time? There are several reasons but none more common than this: thinking only of our own well being and disconnecting ourselves from other human beings. We lack awareness of a broader society where basic necessities are rare luxuries people can barely afford.
I received an email from a friend, an American lady in her late 70s, who volunteers in a hospice in India. Her email sat untouched for days, what with the deluge of work-related emails I receive everyday. It was only yesterday, sitting in a corner seat with my usual cup of green tea, that I finally had the time to respond to personal emails. She attached a file with a timely message in it, a great speech, she said, from a great woman. It was from Doris Lessing. The great speech was her Nobel Lecture "On Not Winning the Nobel Prize," which highlights the global inequality of opportunity and the cultural bridge-building role of literature and storytelling.
Doris Lessing pointed out that there exists, to the ignorance of many, parched African villages that await safe drinking water. What caught my attention was the story of an African mother reading Tolstoy's Anna Karenin while waiting in line for water. I couldn't quite picture it. An African woman, painfully thirsty amidst a dusty sunburnt place, thinking she could be that Russian character? That she very well understands Varenka, a figment of Tolstoy's imagination? I tell myself it's not impossible – however she has suffered so much that she most likely can relate to Varenka's tragic past. Awareness of other people's suffering and our own suffering. That's what I think it is.
Reading Doris' story of an African woman reading a Russian story, to my surprise, buoyed up my spirits. It seems that this deep awareness of human suffering provides a paradoxical awareness of gratitude and joy. We are able to appreciate our lives not because we can afford little luxuries while others cannot. We are grateful simply because we are finally able to see that thousands and thousands have lived joyfully amidst their sufferings. We too can cultivate joy and gratitude even if the world we live in is replete with pain.
What's stopping you from experiencing gratitude today? Is there one particular story that lifts up your mood? I hope this speech from Doris Lessing can help cultivate a sense of gratitude in you.
The energy of gratitude is a creative one. It magically transforms us and breaks us free of our limited and potentially destructive egocentric state. Experiencing gratitude bars negative emotions. Not experiencing it can bring doubt and discontent. So why can't I choose to be grateful all the time? There are several reasons but none more common than this: thinking only of our own well being and disconnecting ourselves from other human beings. We lack awareness of a broader society where basic necessities are rare luxuries people can barely afford.
I received an email from a friend, an American lady in her late 70s, who volunteers in a hospice in India. Her email sat untouched for days, what with the deluge of work-related emails I receive everyday. It was only yesterday, sitting in a corner seat with my usual cup of green tea, that I finally had the time to respond to personal emails. She attached a file with a timely message in it, a great speech, she said, from a great woman. It was from Doris Lessing. The great speech was her Nobel Lecture "On Not Winning the Nobel Prize," which highlights the global inequality of opportunity and the cultural bridge-building role of literature and storytelling.
Doris Lessing pointed out that there exists, to the ignorance of many, parched African villages that await safe drinking water. What caught my attention was the story of an African mother reading Tolstoy's Anna Karenin while waiting in line for water. I couldn't quite picture it. An African woman, painfully thirsty amidst a dusty sunburnt place, thinking she could be that Russian character? That she very well understands Varenka, a figment of Tolstoy's imagination? I tell myself it's not impossible – however she has suffered so much that she most likely can relate to Varenka's tragic past. Awareness of other people's suffering and our own suffering. That's what I think it is.
Reading Doris' story of an African woman reading a Russian story, to my surprise, buoyed up my spirits. It seems that this deep awareness of human suffering provides a paradoxical awareness of gratitude and joy. We are able to appreciate our lives not because we can afford little luxuries while others cannot. We are grateful simply because we are finally able to see that thousands and thousands have lived joyfully amidst their sufferings. We too can cultivate joy and gratitude even if the world we live in is replete with pain.
What's stopping you from experiencing gratitude today? Is there one particular story that lifts up your mood? I hope this speech from Doris Lessing can help cultivate a sense of gratitude in you.