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Tips For Women: Staying Cool, Calm, And Collective On The First Date

Behind a great man is a woman. That's right. So behind a great date is a great woman too. But great women are not those that give in to nervousness that make them act like jittery ninnies. So here are some first date tips for women on how to stay calm, poised, and beautiful in the first date:
  1. Do not act dumb. Alright, now, I am sure that you have heard that intelligent women throw men off, and that men are wary of smart girls. Well, let's just say that if your date thinks that way, then you are better off without him because there are men out there that would appreciate you and your intelligence. If you are intelligent and bubbly, then by all means, do not hide that wit and charm from him. Be yourself.
  1. Listen to him well. Women aren't known to be the best listeners, but you better listen to what he has to say. Not only does this get to know him more, but this way, it shows that you are interested enough to actually listen to what he has to say and that you respect him by listening. And also, talk too. Go into a conversation with him.
  1. Do not get drunk and stay alert. Sad to say, there are some men out there who prey on hapless women. Don't be one of those hapless women and stay away from the booze during the date. Stay alert for any signs of trouble and if he is acting in a way that makes you uncomfortable, then leave.

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