Family & Relationships Conflict

My Wife Isn"t Attracted To Me Anymore - 3 Things To Think About If You Want To Get Your Wife Back

The day you realize that "My wife isn't attracted to me anymore," can be one of the lowest points of your marriage.
Whether she told you this, or you just figured it out, you can feel defeated and hurt at the same time.
Thousands of questions run through your mind, from "How do I make my wife love me again?" to "What will I do if my wife wants a divorce?" None of these questions are easy to ask, and they are definitely not easy to hear the answers to.
If you want to get your wife back and get your marriage back on track, here are three things you need to consider.
How do you interact with you wife on a daily basis? Do the two of you actually connect? Do you just go through the motions? Plenty of couples get caught up in the daily routine.
This doesn't mean that the romance and love can't be rekindled, it just means you've neglected it for a while.
Often, this is one of the biggest causes of why your wife isn't attracted to you anymore.
She doesn't feel emotionally connected to you now.
How do you feel about yourself, physically and emotionally? Many men don't really want to think about self-esteem, but if you aren't happy with your life right now, it will affect your wife too.
If you aren't confident in your appearance, or you don't have goals and aspirations for all areas of your life, it can make you think less of yourself.
You start to let things slide.
You don't go out and do things like you used to.
You aren't happy.
If you are facing the situation of knowing "My wife isn't attracted to me anymore," then you have to look at whether or not you would find yourself attractive if the tables were turned.
Does your wife feel appreciated? Women are attracted to men who support them emotionally.
Then it translates to being attracted to them physically.
If your wife said she's not attracted to you, then she might be feeling unappreciated or taken for granted.
If you want to get your wife back, you will have to do more than just bring her flowers or buy her gifts (those things are nice too, however).
You also need to really take the time to listen to her.

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