Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Make a Portable Shower

    • 1). Measure up two inches from the bottom of the bucket and make a small pencil mark. Use the drill to make a 3/8-inch hole. With a utility knife, very carefully expand the hole until the threaded male adapter can be screwed into the hole, but fits very tightly.

    • 2). Screw the threaded male end all the way into the bucket as far as it will go. Apply silicon caulk around the inner joint of the bucket and PVC. Screw the female coupling onto the male threads. Allow the caulk to dry for at least four hours.

    • 3). Cut the fitting off the end of the kitchen sprayer hose. Slide the hose clamp onto the hose. Place the cut end over the barbed male adapter. Hold the inner female coupling while you do this to prevent breaking the seal of the caulk. Push the hose clamp over the barbed adapter and tighten it down.

    • 4). Tie the rope to the handle of the bucket. Throw the other end of the rope over a rafter, tree limb or other support that is more than eight feet high. Fill the bucket with water and use the rope to pull it up. For best results, the bucket should be above head high, but the sprayer will work as long as it is held below the water level in the bucket.

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