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Belief Building: Time Freedom and 5 Steps to Discipline Part 2 of 3

I am lying across the bed, looking out across Paris.
Not Paris, Texas.
Paris, France.
I can see the buildings across from our incredible room on the third floor of the hotel.
The television is all French speaking, but I have learned some about cricket, horse jumping and soccer.
It is Sunday afternoon.
In the U.
most have found their way in front of a television set to watch American Football.
This is the time of the week when most of the world thinks they have time freedom too.
Is it really time freedom if you are frantically trying to get all the things that you need to get done for the week ahead? Some may have spent their Sunday I worship or with family.
Others may be engaging in recreation or 'sport' as they say in the UK.
Real time freedom comes from having completed a job well done.
So does satisfaction.
Recognizing that you deserve to celebrate, relax and take time for yourself so you can do what you want to do.
Finding the discipline to complete what you decide will be done in and a day and how much time to allow, will help you to realize true time freedom.
Here are a few steps that allow me the time freedom I enjoy daily.
· The night before, I determine the 5 most important tasks to be done.
I list the tasks that will produce income in my online business, first on the top of the list.
· I write them down, so my mind will start working on them while I rest.
· I complete my morning routine, including reading at least 30 minutes from a great book from a leader who has gone before me.
I listen for 30 minutes to masterminds in my online business field, either by tape or in person.
· I complete the first activity with full focus and attention.
Setting a timer provides me the flexibility to determine how much time tasks actually take.
· I do the same until the list is finished.
If I end up with extra time, I can start a new task or go do something I really enjoy doing.
It is interesting that the discipline necessary for successful money making online business is no different than the discipline required to complete any other job, duty or task.
Discipline as a noun is defined as 'activity, exercise or regime that develops or improves a skill'.
Disciplined as a verb is defined as 'to train by instruction and/or exercise and/or drill'.
Either one is critical to the success of an ongoing profitable business.
It is curious that many think a website will automatically generate a great amount of wealth, just by being activated and by providing some information or something to purchase.
With over 26 million visitors to the web each day, there is a likelihood your website could be found, or not.
Where discipline really matters is when it comes to the bottom line.
Time is money has been heard the world over.
Never before has it been so critical.
World economies indicate that this is the time to start or expand your online business.
Millions are exchanged over the internet each hour.
The best possible way to cash in on the timing and the incredible wealth on the internet is with a specific proven system that is working world wide.
Take the time necessary to learn what you need to in order to invest in yourself, invest in your business and get busy in your business.
Master the information you learn and mentor those who wish to follow your lead.
The money will follow.
The last article in this series will provide even more tips on how to beat the clock, be more efficient and get more done than you thought you could! Healthy Habit: Vacations only happen when they are planned.
Discipline yourself to take the time off you have earned and are so deserving of! Eat healthy foods the world over.
It will change your life.
Quote from the Tote: "Miracles are like shooting stars...
they happen all the time but we don't see them.
" - Deepak Chopra

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