Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Is Cleansing Colon Using Over The Counter Products Safe - 3 Ingredients To Avoid At All Costs

Yes, you can safely and effectively cleanse your colon using over the counter products.
Colon cleansing is beneficial and safe if and ONLY if you use a high quality reputable colon cleansing product and you take care to avoid colon cleansers with ingredients that may be dangerous to your health.
When you choose a natural colon cleanser it is very important that you read the ingredients that are in the product so you can avoid anything harmful.
In this short article I want to alert you to a few ingredients you need to watch out for that might be unsafe for you in a colon cleanse.
Psyllium - Psyllium is a part of many colon cleanse kits.
It is used by many people to relieve constipation and as a weight loss supplement.
You need to know that psyllium is a bulking agent and can swell up in your digestive tract and actually block normal bowel and colon function.
If you use psyllium you need to drink a lot of liquids or you could end up with cement in your digestive system - just the opposite of the colon cleansing you are trying to do.
Senna Leaf - Senna is extensively used as a laxative due to its potent medicinal values.
What you may not be aware of is that Senna can upset your body's electrolyte and water balance which if left unchecked can be fatal.
In addition overuse of the Senna herb can cause your liver to fail and your colon function to diminish rather than work better.
Cascara Sagrada - This herb contains anthraquinones andis found in numerous prescriptions and "over the counter laxative" drugs.
Cascara Sagrada is actually classified as a carcinogen (cancer causing agent) and long term use has been linked to the development of colorectal growths (adenomas).
Other health conditions you may experience if you use this herb include: hepatitis, liver damage, stomach pain, rectal bleeding and colon lesions.
Cascara sagrada also goes by the names: rhamnus purshiana, cascara, California buckthorn, sacred bark Colon cleansing is very beneficial for your body however you need to be sure to choose an effective and all natural colon cleanse product that does not contain cascara sagrada, senna or psyllium.
I have been colon cleansing for years with great results.
In the beginning I did not know what to avoid and I unfortunately experienced some awful side effects from some horrid products.
I am now wiser and more educated and I want you to avoid the pitfalls I went through in my first colon cleanses.
Currently, my favorite internal colon cleanse product is all natural and simply melts away the waste from the small intestine, large intestine and colon, safe and effectively.
I use it often to keep my insides clean and I feel great! I want to reassure you that colon cleansing with the right over the counter product can be especially good for your health.
Just because there are some herbs to avoid when colon cleansing, please don't avoid colon cleansing altogether or you will miss out on some tremendous health benefits.

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