Family & Relationships Conflict

Get My Ex Back? Fast Track Methods For Healing a Broken Heart

Before healing can happen, Acceptance is KEY Moving forward after a relationship breakup can be extremely difficult and before considering the question "How Do I Get My Ex Back" I strongly suggest you take a moment or three to simply relax and breathe.
 Though your mind is probably racing, I want you to know that it is perfectly normal to wonder how you are going to get your ex back.
 The trick is to realize that there is really no need to answer the question...
not yet anyway.
Consider this...
Other than the brain, where do you suppose our thoughts come from?   When looked at in its truest form - is it possible that a thought is simply "life happening", and really no different from a cloud floating across the sky? If we simply accept the thought "how do I get my ex back" without making any attempt to act on it, what happens?  The same might be said for the emotional pain we feel after a breakup.
This pain is a completely natural sensation that rises up in the body and is probably one of the deepest hurts any of us have ever endured.
 So really let go and have a good cry if you need to.
  By accepting this pain without resistance, healing takes place at a much faster rate.
  On the contrary, by resisting - the pain tends to hang around and then as a result, suffering happens.
Let go of the Past The past is a burial ground for prior happenings - some good, and some not so good.
As human beings we like to complicate things and have a tendency to look back to the past and question how we could have done things differently to avoid a particular outcome - in this case, your relationship breakup.
Beating yourself up over how I "should have" done this or "could have" done that is totally pointless especially knowing that past events can not be changed.
All that you can expect to accomplish by revisiting the past is feeling even worse over the loss of your relationship, and suffering tremendously over something that in this moment is totally outside of your control.
The Future is not what it appears After your relationship ends, panic may set in quickly when thinking about the future.
Not knowing what the future holds can be pretty intimidating.
 The feeling this evokes can cause you to react out of desperation.
 We have all heard tales of the desperate ex begging and pleading to get their beloved back.
If this has already happened to you - all is not lost.
  Simply stay present, and let it go.
  You can't change what happened so why keep giving the past energy by thinking about it? A better course of action is to accept and acknowledge the thought "how do I get my ex back" - without following through on the subsequent desire to control the final outcome.
If you remain present to what is happening now and stop worrying over what might happen in the future, things may start to take on a different light.
  So ultimately while you may still feel some residual  pain associated with the breakup, your suffering will become pretty much nonexistent.
 All that is left is the Present None of this means that you and your ex can not be reunited in the future and eventually the reasons for your breakup may need to be discussed.
 However, by remaining in the present moment the mind tends to relax.
  The less you resist the sooner the pain and confusion with pass, allowing room for a more peaceful feeling to resonate from within.
From this peaceful place you can then decide if you really want your ex back and be confident knowing that your answer is true and did not come from a place filled with panic or fear.

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