Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Internet Safety For Kids

Computers and internet services are getting increasingly popular among children and teenagers as a primary source for entertainment.
However, both adults and children are not aware of the risks and dangers lurking in the cyber world.
It is important to create awareness among public, school children and parents regarding the various dangers.
Internet safety should be touch to children at home and school.
Mentioned below are certain internet safety measures that must be followed when children are working on the internet 1.
Computers and internet services should always be used as tools for gaining knowledge and wisdom.
Parents should discourage the use of any unnecessary websites.
One can contact the internet service provider (ISP) regarding any possibility of filtration or blocking such websites.
It is responsibility of parents to teach children about the importance of password use on the internet.
Passwords should never be disclosed to a third person.
At the time of registration, several websites ask for important information about the user that includes family address, telephone number, school/college name, credit card or calling card number and picture of the user.
One should abstain from providing such personal and family information to anyone on the computer network who is not known personally.
There are people who can use this information for trapping children.
Children and teenagers can use internet for a variety of purposes including using it to complete schoolwork, visiting museums located in far away places and learning more about universities and colleges.
However, one should be really careful about downloading programs from the internet.
It is important to consult a parent regarding the websites to browse on the internet.
Parents should always know about their child's online activities.
It is important to talk to the child about the possible dangers on the internet.
Parents should always be vigilant about their children.
It is important to take preventive measures if symptoms like spending more time on the internet during nights, receiving calls from unidentified adults, receiving gifts or letters from unknown persons, turning computer off quickly whenever anybody enters the room or when anything related to pornography is found on the child's computer.

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