Health & Medical Adolescent Health

You Are No Stranger, But a Welcome Guest

As a teen on earth your self-esteem is at stake and the quicker you learn to love yourself, the better it will be for all mankind.
You are more than welcome and a great part of this universe.
Your input is needed to make the world a better place.
Walk tall, knowing the whole universe applauds and supports your very life and existence.
Your life is a sheer amazement.
Have you sat down and asked yourself who controls your heart beat? Who carefully arranged all the blood vessels in your body in such an orderly manner that when these same vessels are lined up they measure 60,000 miles as you were a child and now the same vessels have grown to 100,000 miles as a teen? What has caused you to be unhappy all this time - is it about your freckles, your spots, your hormonal changes? You see, you are no accident, neither a stranger.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You are more than welcome.
Enjoy your stay! Find your purpose, find your why.
Be a part of the generation that are world shakers.
The generation that brings about change with their positive mindset.
Consider the lives of people like Martin Luther King who kept his dream alive and ablaze till it became a reality, Bill gates whose unquenchable ambition was to see the personal computer in every home, office, school, you name it, and now Barack Obama who fought against all odds to become the first black president of the United States Of America.
Dear welcome guest the ball is in your court, what influence have you got to give the world, your world? Visit http://www.
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