The Connection Between Insomnia and Depression
People suffering from insomnia often also suffer from depression.
And the reverse also holds true - about 90% of people suffering from depression also suffer from sleep disorders.
Nobody really knows whether insomnia causes depression, or if being depressed causes insomnia.
What is clear though, is that one important symptom of depression is insomnia.
To further complicate the picture it is known that some anti depression drugs in themselves can be a cause of sleep disorders.
Of course, if you can't sleep well for a longer period of time you will become irritated and grumpy, and it is quite reasonable to think that if this persist you will start to show signs of depression.
A big problem here is that for most of us it is hard to acknowledge that we may be suffering from depression, it is far easier to complain about our problems sleeping.
Most doctors will look for symptoms of depression if you ask for help for your insomnia, since they know there can be a close relationship between the two.
Sometimes the warning signs of depression are seasonal - the person finds it difficult to sleep and feels "blue" during the winter, but when summer comes the problems just disappear.
A craving for carbohydrates is also quite common - sometimes leading to putting on weight.
This is more common in northern countries with long and dark winters.
Young women seem to be more affected.
This is known as "SAD", a very apt acronym, which stands for "Seasonal Affective Disorder".
This problem can often be cured by using strong light, corresponding to daylight.
The person affected basically sits in a room with very strong daylight adjusted lights, or has a set of lamps in front of him/her..
This "resets" the body clock and makes the brain and body go back to the normal awake-sleep rhythm that has been disrupted.
Are there any other natural remedies for depression? Two of the most commonly suggested remedies are St.
John's Wort is an old herbal remedy, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids, mainly found naturally in some fish.
You can also switch to healthier anti depressant foods, which, coincidentally, also work well as sleeplessness diets! Sleep is important! If you suffer from insomnia, and if you think you also have signs of depression, then look for natural treatments for depression and natural sleep aids, unless your problems are severe.
Then you should see your doctor!
And the reverse also holds true - about 90% of people suffering from depression also suffer from sleep disorders.
Nobody really knows whether insomnia causes depression, or if being depressed causes insomnia.
What is clear though, is that one important symptom of depression is insomnia.
To further complicate the picture it is known that some anti depression drugs in themselves can be a cause of sleep disorders.
Of course, if you can't sleep well for a longer period of time you will become irritated and grumpy, and it is quite reasonable to think that if this persist you will start to show signs of depression.
A big problem here is that for most of us it is hard to acknowledge that we may be suffering from depression, it is far easier to complain about our problems sleeping.
Most doctors will look for symptoms of depression if you ask for help for your insomnia, since they know there can be a close relationship between the two.
Sometimes the warning signs of depression are seasonal - the person finds it difficult to sleep and feels "blue" during the winter, but when summer comes the problems just disappear.
A craving for carbohydrates is also quite common - sometimes leading to putting on weight.
This is more common in northern countries with long and dark winters.
Young women seem to be more affected.
This is known as "SAD", a very apt acronym, which stands for "Seasonal Affective Disorder".
This problem can often be cured by using strong light, corresponding to daylight.
The person affected basically sits in a room with very strong daylight adjusted lights, or has a set of lamps in front of him/her..
This "resets" the body clock and makes the brain and body go back to the normal awake-sleep rhythm that has been disrupted.
Are there any other natural remedies for depression? Two of the most commonly suggested remedies are St.
John's Wort is an old herbal remedy, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids, mainly found naturally in some fish.
You can also switch to healthier anti depressant foods, which, coincidentally, also work well as sleeplessness diets! Sleep is important! If you suffer from insomnia, and if you think you also have signs of depression, then look for natural treatments for depression and natural sleep aids, unless your problems are severe.
Then you should see your doctor!