Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

The Characteristics Of A Guy That Girls Should Look Out For

Two years ago, after dating with my boyfriend of 4 years, we were starting to talk about wedding, marriage and having kids.
I didn't know why, but somehow, I just couldn't visualise or imagine us together? So, I took a big step, to cool things off for awhile, to think about what I was really looking for in a future partner.
At that point in time, I was still taking my double degree, had all the time in the world, and since I didn't know what I was really looking for in a partner, I ended up changing boyfriend every 3months, to the extent that none of my friends in school bothers to remember their names anymore.
Surprisingly, I feel that it helps me quite a lot.
Mainly because I was not really emotionally attached to any of these boyfriends (i like them though), it made me became more rational and logical in my thinking's.
I was able to step out and see the relationship in another perspective.
From mama's boy, to a nerdy, studious boy, gangster, emo (goodness! he cried 90% of the time we spent together.
), bodybuilder, psychopath (yes, and is hard to tell whether he is lying or not.
), successful regional manager, etc, until I met my current boyfriend.
There are some requirements you might already have, for me, it was just adding on to what I feel every girl should deserved.
Here is a list you may want to consider.
Having a guy who is Thoughtful Is a way of showing appreciation on the things you have done, or that he has thought about you.
Like, helping you out with the dishes or take the garbage out (without you having to say) while is your time to relax after preparing for dinner.
Or perhaps, has he bought anything for you when he was out with his friends the other day? Or brought you some sandwiches to the office knowing that you will be too busy to have your meal.
He doesn't have to do this all the time, but if he loves you enough, he would have his moments of showing you using by his actions.
Having a guy who is Initiative I know we girls are capable of opening the door ourselves, have the strength to carry a pile of books, but girls are still girls, we love the idea of being pampered by our guys, we love to feel like princess no matter how old we are, and that we can rely on them.
The most important reason, we love to show off and be the envy of most girls.
Is he Mature enough Whether he is alone with you or he is with a group of people, he seems to be always the one talking or commenting LOUDLY, as if they are hoping that someone else will hear them too.
Worst, he is always complaining how lousy the food is, how bad the economy is, and yet thinking that he is so smart to tell everyone how he feels about certain things, not knowing how annoying he is.
Yes, he may make sense and is brilliantly smart.
But trusted me, the mature ones are mostly composed, with poise, speak only when is needed, and every sentences create impact.
This is the kind of man you will want to bring home to show your parents.
Having a guy who is Sensitive (Tactful) I was at the shopping mall with my girlfriends the other day, and I overheard this guy who was commenting to his girlfriend's friend that she should have kept her long hair at the first place, because short hair makes her look like tomboy.
Some jokes may be funny, but having a guy who kept on teasing or joke about how a girl look, or how she dresses, is just insensitive and purely rude.
This is the type of guy you would not want.
Regardless who is the one being teased at, he is just bad with his people's skills.
He just went on and on laughing about how big her face was, obviously very oblivious to the facial expressions on the offended looking friend, and the embarrassed girlfriend.
Every girl wants a boyfriend who is sensitive towards their needs and also their friend's feelings.
This is something you might want to take note of when you start dating, as some girls may find it funny at first, but later in the relationship, this behaviour could be very jeopardising.
At the first place, we do not need a guy to make us feel lousy or to bring us down.
Is he Humourous Some things in life are not meant to be funny, but can he cheer you up and make you laugh when you are down? Do you guys have the Chemistry Do the two of you have things to talk about? Will he be able to sense and come to your rescue when you are in a sticky situation at his cousin's wedding? Do you guys have the chemistry together? When you dont feel like talking, does he stays by your side, just to be around, and there is no sense of awkward silence? Having a guy who is Respectful in the things he does He is proud of the things he does, he is full of drive, ambitious, gentleman, and you have a lot of respect for him.
If he is just a lazy, useless couch potato, who just live day to day, you will most probably end up resenting him.
Having a guy who has Similar Values / Goals If you are family oriented, and you loves kids, find a guy who has the same value as you.
Remember, you cant change someone, so do not think you can in the future.
A guy who isn't Shy to express his love for you A guy should say that he loves you because he really meant it, not because you want him to.
Hold on to a guy who makes you feel loved and will say it.
He allows you to Be Yourself Lastly, the guy who thinks greatly of you.
Thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world, even on days you feel gross and unglamorous.
So, what exactly are you looking for?

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