Family & Relationships Conflict

Why Does My Ex Compliment Me? Does It Mean They Want Me Back? Find It Out Right Away

After a breakup there are times that you can get different signals from your ex.
These signals can be quite confusing and frustrating.
There are no ways that you can get into another person head and be capable of reading their thoughts.
Though that would be nice, it is just not possible.
This is why it is important to search for actions that could relate what your ex may be trying to tell you.
Compliment After Compliment You may find yourself running into your ex while you are out and about, and all of a sudden you are receiving tons of compliments.
Compliments can mean a variety of different things.
Maybe your ex is just lonely and eager for company, or they could be sincere.
You need to be cautious as to what your ex is really trying to do.
Is Your Ex Sincere or Using You? Not all compliments are sincere.
Your ex may be just throwing nice words your way, because they want to benefit themselves.
This is very common when it comes to sexual desires.
They may give you compliments in the hope to get what they want sexually from you.
How Hard is Your Ex Trying? There are many times that your ex could be trying just a little too hard.
This could be due to the fact that they are nervous and want to get your attention.
Go easy on them, though it may be annoying.
Your ex more than likely just wants to impress you.
Your Ex Misses You Your relationship probably did not end in a nice way, but feelings normally stick around long after.
Your ex is missing you and is trying to express this to you.
They are hoping that you miss them just as much.
You Share Many Memories You and your ex once were close, which means you have shared quite a few memories.
They may ask about things that you used to enjoy doing, and be curious about whether or not you still participate in such activities.
They are attempting to give you positive comments about the past, in a hope that you will remember.
He/She Still is in Love If your ex is giving you compliments, they are trying to show their love.
By saying nice things and making you feel good, they want you to fall for them once again.
If your ex did not love you, they wouldn't bother telling you nice things about yourself.
It is your decision Whether or not you want your ex back in your life will be completely your choice.
If you would rather move on, be sure not to lead your ex on.
If you feel the same as your ex does, share your thoughts with them.

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