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How to Last Longer in Bed Naturally

Lasting for a long time in bed naturally can be a challenging task for many men.
If you really want to last longer in bed, it is necessary to know how to respond to sexual intercourse starting from the initial point of excitement to the time you achieve orgasm.
Good sex life is synonymous with a strong bond between you and your partner.
Being sensitive to your partner's emotional needs is also a must, in order to spice up your sex life.
You can adopt certain easy methods so as to last longer in bed naturally.
These methods will not only enhance your sexual desire but will also to a certain extent help in improving impotency, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
These methods are simple and do not require any stressful efforts.
However, before that, let's take a look at the simple tips that will help you last longer in bed naturally.
You can rely on yoga.
Deep breathing exercises associated with yoga can efficiently help in triggering your sexual desire to the extreme.
This will also help in gaining a control over premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction as well.
Never forget to make use of your whole body when you are stirring up your mood.
Take sufficient amount of time while caressing and kissing instead of doing everything in a haste.
Alcohols and drugs affect the metabolism of your body so it is better to abstain from using them as it can have an adverse effect on your sexual desire.
Pay attention to what you are doing instead of other things as it can distract your mind.
Other methods that may prove effective in lasting longer in bed naturally are: Masturbation: Masturbating 2-4 hours prior to having sex will lead to the better erection and make you last longer in bed naturally.
This technique is applicable especially to men.
Whenever you are having sexual intercourse, try to take a break before you reach climax.
This practice will be helpful in gaining a better control over your ejaculation.
Relax yourself whenever you indulge in the sexual activity.
Try different kinds of sex positions and find out which ways do you find the best and comfortable.
One such position is the woman on top position.
All the above methods have been recommended by sex experts in different parts of the world.
These simple yet effective methods if done properly will help men in lasting longer in bed naturally.
According to a survey conducted in 2009 by Health and Wellness Institute,UK, about 95% of men who have strictly followed and practiced these simple methods have been successful in lasting longer in bed naturally.
Don't you want to be one among these men?Try these methods and see the result for yourself.
It will not cost you anything.

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