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How to Spray Paint a Round Object

    • 1). Lay out a drop cloth or newspapers on the ground or floor. Make sure the covered area is bigger than your object. You may want to cover items nearby to protect them as well.

    • 2). Put your object in the center of your drop cloth or covered area.

    • 3). Shake the paint can very well to get the pigment mixed. A full minute is adequate.

    • 4). Spray the paint from about a foot away, keeping the paint can moving in a back and forth motion. If you stay in one place, drips will form. The idea is to spray just a thin film of paint in the first coat. Give the can a few shakes periodically to keep the paint mixed up.

    • 5). Wait for the object to dry. This could take 30 minutes or more depending on the paint and atmospheric conditions. The paint will dry more quickly in a warm, dry environment.

    • 6). Flip your object over and paint the opposite side.

    • 7). Continue painting and flipping the object until you have a clean, opaque coat of paint. Don't try to do it in one coat, more coats lightly applied create a finer finish.

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