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Keep the Sex Away and He"ll Keep Coming Your Way

When a man really has the hots for you, he'll be motivated to please you.
Men live to please women, that is a fact.
Women often forget this and turn the tables around trying to "get" men, however, it is because they do not understand how men work.
If you can understand a man's ego, how fragile it is and how much he desires to please a woman, then you'll know how to be successful with men.
The key is this: be fun, unique, authentic, independent and unpredictable then show a man a lot of appreciation and stroke his ego in all of the right places.
He'll be eating out of your hands.
This is not about spoiling men or being a doormat.
This is about understanding what works for men.
Men want freedom aka a woman's baggage safely stowed away.
Men want to have fun aka a happy chick who can get up and go.
Men want unpredictable aka, they hate being bored.
Most of all, men want a woman who wants to be herself not another version of Barbie or God forbid Ken.
When you date around without sleeping around while being an amazing woman, it puts you in the category of "genius" You are seen as intelligent because you are selective.
You are viewed to have pride in yourself which ups your attraction.
Men value women who aren't easy and they secretly know that they can more than wait if they are really into you.
Don't fall for the ridiculous nonsense about a man NEEDING sex to survive.
If a man puts pressure on you for that, let him go and dip his stick somewhere else but not with you.

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