Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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Focus on Your Goals

Focus on Your Goals

To fulfill your dreams, you have to break it down into actionable segments, goals. Fulfilling the dream involves achieving the goals that make up the dream. Focus enables you meet your goals.
Law of Attraction - How This Economic Hardship Can Be a Blessing

Law of Attraction - How This Economic Hardship Can Be a Blessing

This period of economic hardship is a great time to learn the deeper truths of the law of attraction and the science of the mind. Resistance and difficulty forces us to build strength.
To Experience Real Success Take Inventory of Your Life

To Experience Real Success Take Inventory of Your Life

One of the most powerful success secrets is to be true to yourself. If you want to experience the G.R.E.A.T. life, you must be honest about your current situation.
What To Consider In A Drug Rehab Center

What To Consider In A Drug Rehab Center

Most centers are more than willing to answer any and all questions, so you can find the best fit for you and your personal situation. Drug rehab centers want you to be as comfortable with your choice as they do.
Are You in Need of a Paradigm Shift?

Are You in Need of a Paradigm Shift?

Our personal paradigms are formed when we are young and often continue into adulthood.They are the beliefs and basic perceptions we have of the world and how it works.Some paradigms are good and support a successful mindset, while others keep you from achieving your goals.If you have a belief that t
Essential Difference Between Male And Female

Essential Difference Between Male And Female

A man asked a Sufi, "People talk about male and female, but what is the essential difference between the two?"The Sufi replied, "O man, both are formed of the five elements.The concept of male and female applies to the body.
Corporate Leadership Training - The Influential Leader Empowers

Corporate Leadership Training - The Influential Leader Empowers

It was leadership experts John Maxwell and Jim Dornan who said "When you empower people, you're not influencing just them; you're influencing all the people they influence."But, what exactly is empowerment?It is a buzz word that we hear all the time, but what does it really mean?
Great Ways To Influence People

Great Ways To Influence People

We all have our own mentors - people who, in one way or another, has played a big role and influenced us in the way that we perceive things. At some point in your life, you will also find that what you have done or said has a way of influencing people. In these two cases, you will see that there is
Advice and Guideline to Accomplishment in These Hard Times

Advice and Guideline to Accomplishment in These Hard Times

Nothing in life comes easy. Whenever you see a successful project, realize sacrifice was the driving force behind its feat. Success comes through hard work and commitment.
Personal Development - Secrets To Gaining More Time?

Personal Development - Secrets To Gaining More Time?

Are you short of time to do all your need to do in a day? Do you know that you can gain more time? People just like you are doing it?To find out how, read more.
3 Strategies That Make You A Productive Meeting Manager

3 Strategies That Make You A Productive Meeting Manager

For many of us, it’s one meeting after another. We can’t seem to get away from them. In many cases, a meeting is even unnecessary, but they are now known as “standing,” which means we keep having them, even when it’s difficult to find topics to discuss.
Why a Little Bit of Being Selfish Could Be Your Best Happiness Medicine

Why a Little Bit of Being Selfish Could Be Your Best Happiness Medicine

Most of us were brought up to believe that being selfish is a bad thing. But is it really? Discover why putting yourself first could be your best happiness medicine - and perhaps the greatest gift you could give to those around you.
Be a VIP at Home. Use Your Best Stuff Every Day

Be a VIP at Home. Use Your Best Stuff Every Day

My grandmother bought me a set of 6 china cups and saucers for my 21st birthday. Now I'm 50 but those cups and saucers have been used almost daily. Sure, I lost two cups at ...
8 Tips to Tackle the Post Holidays Blues...

8 Tips to Tackle the Post Holidays Blues...

We've all had it...two weeks of sun, sand, sangria and whatever you are having yourself. No thoughts of work (unless you are self-employed...and in that case work is rarely far away!). And then here comes ...
6 Smart Ways To Age Gracefully, Beating Stress Along The Way

6 Smart Ways To Age Gracefully, Beating Stress Along The Way

Stress has a negative influence on your body and eventually steals your happiness ang soul from right under your nose. Many of the stress increasing duties include paying taxes, downsizing and mortgage payments. Other stress factors may be that you are gaining weight or getting bags under your eyes,
Option Resources To Find Lifecycle Elliptical Trainers For Sale

Option Resources To Find Lifecycle Elliptical Trainers For Sale

Everywhere you go you see Lifecycle elliptical trainers for sale. It is no surprise, as Lifecycle is the preferred brand for these type of workout machines as well as treadmills.
Lessons Learnt In Life from a Baby Boomer

Lessons Learnt In Life from a Baby Boomer

As I become older I'm contemplating more about what I discovered via my own errors and there have been many. Just wanted to share some to you.
Personal Coaching - Helping People Achieve Their Maximum Potential

Personal Coaching - Helping People Achieve Their Maximum Potential

The world is a very competitive place these days, especially because of the recession that most countries' economies are going through these days. Companies need to increase their competitiveness in order to take on all ...
3 Simple Ways to Help You Make a Better Decision

3 Simple Ways to Help You Make a Better Decision

Have you ever struggled making the right decision? With these techniques, you can save time and an efficient decision.
3 Steps to Realizing Intentions

3 Steps to Realizing Intentions

When you put your attention on what is not working in your life guess what you get? Right, you get more of what is not working. Consider that worrying or obsessing on the negative is praying for the unwanted.If you don't catch yourself focusing on the negative it spirals into more negative. The