Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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Mastering Your Mind Power: A New Genesis

Mastering Your Mind Power: A New Genesis

Where do you start? Start from where you are. Start by stop taking the power of your mind for granted. Seek to understand to the best of your ability what the self image is, how ...
Hypnosis Mind Control - Neat Tricks to Control People's Minds

Hypnosis Mind Control - Neat Tricks to Control People's Minds

Hypnosis mind control doesn't work in real life in quite the same way as it does in the movies. So if you're expecting to be able to take over someone's mind and turn them i
The Spiritual Life is Only Lived by Eating a Balanced Diet Which Sometimes Includes Broccoli

The Spiritual Life is Only Lived by Eating a Balanced Diet Which Sometimes Includes Broccoli

Every day in the news we see stories of people who have lived life out of balance.The extreme religious group, the lone high school gunman, the murderous lover, and of course, all the polarized conversations on the television each night.Good spiritual nutrition is crucial if we want to live a balanc
Is There A Thief In Your House?

Is There A Thief In Your House?

A thief is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as one that steals especially stealthily (slow & deliberate) or secretly.Is there a thief in your house?I know that you are probably saying to yourself, “Of course, there isn’t a thief in my house”.But are you really sure about t
FAQs on Self-concept/Self-image

FAQs on Self-concept/Self-image

We hear many things about poor self image or low self esteem. What is self image and how does it affect us? 1. Just what is my self-image? Is it different than my self-concept?
Do You Need Money to Make More Money and Get Rich?

Do You Need Money to Make More Money and Get Rich?

The most common misconception that most people have about money is that they need money to make more money. That is why most people think they cannot get rich.
Key to Finding Your Passion at Work

Key to Finding Your Passion at Work

Knowing yourself and feeling confident about yourself helps a lot in finding your passion at work. This begins with accurate understanding of your strengths and values €" it's what makes you feel good about yourself. ...
WYTIWYG - What You Think is What You Get!

WYTIWYG - What You Think is What You Get!

The law of attraction states that: "like attracts like." This is a law that is proven and accepted throughout the world. The Bible states that: "as a man thinketh, he is."
Filling the Shoes of Success

Filling the Shoes of Success

With the increasing of number of millionaires each year in the United States, one would think there are more opportunities of becoming a member of that elite club. The truth is, to many that number means absolutely nothing and instead more find themselves focusing on the opposite, the number of fail
How To Comfort A Coworker During A Bad Shift

How To Comfort A Coworker During A Bad Shift

As a nurse, not all days are smooth sailing. There are some working days that get you down. It might be because of an honest mistake, a reprimand from a boss or a patient that is being difficult to take care of. Those moments somehow make you want to ask yourself why you are a nurse in the first pla
Will Money Make Me Happy?

Will Money Make Me Happy?

Money can be a vehicle for enjoying life to its fullest, provided you take the time and effort to get a good grasp on what money can and can't do for you. Riches will enhance your life if you have a h
Success: It's All About Positioning

Success: It's All About Positioning

Like it or not, one of the keys to success, in any endeavor, involves positioning. Whether we're selling a product, a service or ourselves, we have to gain a position in the marketplace that catches the eye of the prospective customer. Selling our products or our services will almost inevitably
Speed Reading Computer Programs

Speed Reading Computer Programs

No matter the level from which we practice our reading, speed reading is a crucial skill. While it helps students to better their marks through improved understanding, the speed reading software gives professionals an easy advantage at work.
How to Transform Yourself Into a Successful Person

How to Transform Yourself Into a Successful Person

The most essential thing is not to let the day to day job lead you away from realising your life's purpose and become a success. There are principles that permit you to live your life in effective ways, that permit you to work towards bringing your life's purpose in synchronisation with th
These Benefits of Goal Setting Bring the Unseen Into Reality

These Benefits of Goal Setting Bring the Unseen Into Reality

It is said "A mind is a terrible thing to waste". If we use the mind in ways extremely beneficial to us, we can achieve our goals far more effectively. The benefits of goal setting are expanded when the twelve spiritual powers are used. Allowing these spiritual powers to influence the mind
A Scientific Method for Exploring Consciousness

A Scientific Method for Exploring Consciousness

To what degree is it possible for us to seek and discover the truth as we explore consciousness itself? How knowable is our inner reality?
Spiritual Life Coaching - Transcending the Pain-Body

Spiritual Life Coaching - Transcending the Pain-Body

If you have a heavy pain-body, you'll probably be attracting mental bullies to you in public like a bar magnet to steel. They will seek you out, come up to you out of nowhere, yell at you from across the street, send hateful emails to you, and this will all happen despite the fact that you do e
Stress and Mind/Body Health: An Introduction

Stress and Mind/Body Health: An Introduction

How well do you really understand your stress and your coping with stress? If you are unaware of your stress until it erupts into your life as problems, it may be time for you to "tune in" to what your mind and body are telling youand time to learn more effective strategies for managing st
Kaleidoscopic Change

Kaleidoscopic Change

Do you know how personal change can be like looking through a kaleidoscope? Discover how to use this analogy to help you make the changes you want in your life.
Mindset Make Money Online

Mindset Make Money Online

The thing with making money, you first have to understand what money is. Money is energy. You must be in the right state of mind to attain it. People walk around in the exact state ...