The Compass, Beehive, Virtues, & Hourglass
The world is filled with successes and failures.
Mind - Emotion Commotion
Stress is what you feel when you react to pressure from others or from yourself. Pressure can come from anywhere, including school, work, activities, friends, and family members...
Three Types of Followers
Most leaders are impressed by the number of people who turn up to see them or vote them in an election. They must identify the loyal followers who alone matter in the long run to the leader and his leadership.
Business Coach: Are Your Ethics & Business Results Connected?
Business coaches must be ethical, but they should also be results focused. Possibly, the disconnect between ethics and results may be part of the answer why most coaches earn less than $50,000 a year in a $1 Billion and growing industry.
Using the Subconscious Mind Power to Get What You Want
Do you really want to use your subconscious mind power? Chances are many people would answer yes.
Ancestral Healing - What Is It?
What is ancestral healing you may well ask?The short answer?It is 'healing your family tree which includes both you and any descendants you have'.
Growing Prosperity - Why Not Put Angels On Assignment to Help Manifest Abundance in Your Life?
Do you realize that angels are listening to the words you speak? Find out how what you say has a tremendous effect on angels and can put them on assignment!
Working Moms: Take Charge of Your To-Do List in 3 Simple Steps
If you are like most working moms I know, then you have a to-do list a mile long. And, everything on that list is of the utmost importance, leaving you feeling constantly overwhelmed and ineffective. ...
Kundalini - Dissolving The Split Mind - A Return To Oneness
Please keep in mind that opposites are an invention and not literal in nature. Opposites split the mind, instead of one mind we have two, as in I love sex but I feel guilty, I feel hate but I know it's wrong so I will block the feeling.
Kabbalah Amulets
Amulets and good luck charms have existed since the dawn of history. Their purpose was to provide emotional security for people, success in their endeavors - mainly hunting, war, success in growing crops, overcoming illnesses - and, essentially, any and every good thing a person could want for one&a
Phenomenological Perspective - That Which You Believe Will Become Your Reality
Finding balance between work and life, begins with deciding that you want to live a balanced life and becoming aware of that which needs to change. The power of the mind and the things we allow ourselves to focus on can become the pivot point our lives revolve around. Discover ways to release your m
Appreciation: Can Suffering Lead to Greater Appreciation Of Life?
It is often said that it is human nature to only appreciate something when it is not longer available. So when one has something in their life, it is easy for them to take it for granted. Not only can this apply to 'things', it can also apply to the people who are in one's life.
How To Release Self Hatred
We all suffer from it to some degree. Maybe we were told that we're sinners, or that we were born with original sin. Even if that's not the way we think today, if we were ...
Virtual Enlightenment
Within one generation technology has brought the world together in ways unimaginable to most people. We have extended our awareness through satellite, cellular and fiber optic applications. The World Wide Web has created a global mind with information being shared with millions in seconds; ideas mov
Why the Virginia Tech Massacre Reminds Us We Need a Nature Break
If all we get out of the Virginia Tech Massacre is that some lunatic loner did this and we have to isolate and institutionalize such people, we're making a huge mistake.Whether you like it or not, anyone can end up like Cho Seung-Hui if pushed hard enough.Everyone has a breaking point, and we&a
Sadness Isn't Your True State, No Matter How Sad You Feel - The Little Prince Series
What do you do when you are sad? I'm not talking about the occasional moment of sadness because of something that has happened, but about that background sadness so many of us feel-though generally try ...
Fighting the Guilt Caused By Child Sexual Abuse
Guilt is one of the most familiar effects of child molestation and sexual abuse. Most if not all victims suffer this same type of emotion as a result or part of the overall trauma of the experience. While there are other negative signs and consequences of CSA, guilt is one of the few that's rea
Useful Tips-How to be Funny?
Are you tired of sitting in the background and listening to someone else cracking all the jokes? Do you want to be the one causing a smile to appear on everyone's face? Well, it actually ...
Beat Stress With Some Handy Tips
"Stress" - only a six letter word and yet the main cause behind many lifestyle diseases all over the world! Hectic schedules, abnormal lifestyles, unhealthy food habits, work-pressures, demands of personal life - any of ...
Great Leadership Requires Inspiration, X
Leadership expert James F. Hind, decades ago, said "People want to know how much you care before they care how much you know." I've found this to be extremely well-put and thoroughly true, and it's led me to be an intense student of the way people express empathy. Leaders who see