American Robin
Baby / Adult American Robin
How to Feed a Budgie
A budgie -- short for "budgerigar" and also known as the popular parakeet -- makes a great pet. Budgies are known for their personality and approachability. To make sure your budgie enjoys a long, healthy and happy life as your winged companion, feed it the right diet with high-quality ingredients.
Should Birders Worry About Bird Flu?
Learn the basics of bird flu, what birds it affects and how birding could be impacted.
How to Make a Repeating Sparrow Trap
Many people seek a humane way to trap and remove invasive house sparrows from their property. House sparrows are a hardy species that was imported to North America from England in the 1800s. They take over nesting sites of native birds, killing their young and eating whatever is available. Traps a
Facts About Pink Flamingos
Pink flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruper) are exotic waterbirds indigenous to tropical regions. Flamingos are social birds with an omnivorous diet. They are known for their vibrant colors and abnormal shape and stature. These famous birds have been used as trademarks for vacation or recreational compani
Outdoor Decorations Endanger Birds
Outdoor decorations can be a threat to birds, and understanding how yard decorations hurt birds can help backyard birders plan bird-friendly decorations all year round.
Bird Plumages
Birds have several different types of plumages and understanding the differences between bird plumages can halp birders identify species from season to season.
Western Bird -3 Tips to Help You Identify One With Accuracy
A Western bird flies through your garden, and it makes you all curious. It doesn't look like any bird you've seen before. But what species is it? What order does it belong to?
Wonderful Finches As Pets
Why are finches such a popular pet? Because they are small, hearty, are quiet yet make a pleasant sound when they do sing, and are fun to look after. They come in varieties such as the Society, the Gouldian and the Zebra, and also a wide variety of patterns and colours. Finches are a favourite among
How to Feed Baby Chickens
Baby chickens need to be in a confined area surrounded by wire for the first months of their lives to make sure they keep warm and have food and water nearby. If the chicks have their mother, then the mother will show them where to find the food and water, but if you are raising them then you will n
Cockatiel Sounds and What They Mean
Screeching squawks and melodic sounds are the usual cockatiel sounds. It is a known fact that male cockatiels are more talkative than the female cockatiels. The males use their skills in sounds during the mating process. If there are a lot of males trying to win a hen, the better singer gets to move
The Differences Between Lice & Flea Treatment
When we think of waging wars, we often think of large scale attacks on large scale enemies. However, when it comes to finding treatment options for lice and fleas, the fight against those tiny insects requires significant effort and time, as well.
How to Build a Nice Birdhouse
Birdhouses are lovely features in any home or garden, but what makes a birdhouse really "nice"? The answer depends on personal style, but something a little out of the ordinary might be an expression of a nice birdhouse. Most birdhouses are box-shaped—square or rectangular—so shake thing
How to Identify Birds With Ease
Can you identify birds?How many of the various species are you familiar with? Well, believe it or not, you may know a lot more than you think. And they are surely quite a few people who are very enthusiastic about it.In fact, bird watching is still a rather popular hobby.
How to Feed a Crossed Beak Chicken
Sometimes chickens hatch out with a crossed over bill. The degree of this deformity varies, but it is thought to be genetic and the afflicted birds should not be bred. This issue can be corrected by reconstructive surgery if the cross is severe. Most birds can live comfortably with this crossed b
How to Make Your Own Bird Feeding Syringe
There are many reasons why a young bird or hatchling may be found on the ground rather than in the nest. It could have simply fallen out or have been abandoned, orphaned or evicted by more aggressive birds. Hand-rearing a chick is not a task that should be taken lightly; young birds require almost c
Breeds of Parrots That Talk
If you have considered purchasing a parrot, you might be wondering which varieties of parrots are known for their ability to talk. Due to their intelligence, there are several varieties of parrot -- ranging in size from quite small to very large -- that have the ability to master and mimic a number
Should I Feed Wild Geese & Ducks?
Ducks fed by humans tend to suffer from poor image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.comMalnutrition AspectsMany wildlife groups believe wild geese and ducks should not be fed by humans, and should be left to forage on their own. Most of the food that many people feed the...
How to Make Suet for Birds
One of the joys of living in a rural area is the ability to set up bird feeders and watch the variety of birds that visit on a daily basis. Providing a wide selection of food to choose from will increase the number and variety of birds that visit; but purchasing the food can get expensive, especiall
10 Holiday Gifts to Give Your Backyard Birds
Don't forget your backyard birds when planning your holiday gift list. These 10 ideas can help you choose the perfect present for your backyard flock.