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Ecclesdown Road

Ecclesdown Road

Review of birding experiences along Ecclesdown Road in Jamaica, including tips for visiting birders and examples of bird species likely to be seen in the area.
2011 Mailbag Monday Reader Question Archive

2011 Mailbag Monday Reader Question Archive

Archive of 2011 Mailbag Monday reader questions - check here for the most popular birding questions and their answers!
Western Scrub-Jay Fact Sheet

Western Scrub-Jay Fact Sheet

The western scrub-jay is a popular bird - learn how to recognize them and what makes them unique, including their behavior, calls and more.
Hanging Wooden Bird House and Its Advantages

Hanging Wooden Bird House and Its Advantages

If you are interested in getting a bird house for your back yard or garden, the following provides a number of reasons why a wooden bird house is so popular and used by many to attract birds. It is al
How to Get Purple Martins in Your Yard

How to Get Purple Martins in Your Yard

Purple martins migrate north to the United States from Brazil every spring, looking for places to nest. For many martin aficionados, spring is a chance to welcome back the martins for another summer; if the birds have bred successfully in one site, they will return every year. According to the Purp
How to Process Chickens Eggs to Be Ready for a Kitchen

How to Process Chickens Eggs to Be Ready for a Kitchen

Raising chickens at home may offer numerous health benefits because concerned consumers can control the diet fed to egg-producing hens. Most collected eggs can go straight from the hen house to the skillet. Unavoidably, a few eggs will be soiled. Immersing the eggs in soapy water, or wet washing, sh
Red-Tailed Hawk Facts

Red-Tailed Hawk Facts

The red-tailed hawk is a large predatory bird. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, it is the most common hawk in North America.
How to Feed Call Ducks

How to Feed Call Ducks

Call ducks are the smallest of domestic duck species and can be very easy to keep and care for, so long as a balanced, nutritious diet is offered to them. A call duck's staple diet should always consist of a quality duck formula with the proper ratio of protein for your duck's developmental stage. W
How to Make a Brood House for Chicks

How to Make a Brood House for Chicks

Raising chickens from newly hatched chicks can be fun and relatively inexpensive. Because the chicks need a brooder only for the first six weeks of their lives, it's best to make a brooder that's quick and easy. A cardboard box brooder is disposable, so there's no chance of transferring disease from


Defines the term "migration" as it applies to birds and explains some common migration behavior.
How to Put Weight on Broiler Chickens

How to Put Weight on Broiler Chickens

Broiler chickens are raised primarily for their meat. The goal of the backyard grower is the same as those that raise broiler chickens commercially; putting weight on the bird as quickly as possible. Broilers are also known as frying or fryer chickens. Broilers are harvested at various ages for Corn
Eye Disease in Parrots

Eye Disease in Parrots

Any time a parrot has a discharge from the eye, the bird should be immediately taken to an avian veterinarian. Eye discharge is a sign of avian conjunctivitis, which is usually just a symptom of a much more serious condition.
Humming Bird Feeders

Humming Bird Feeders

Don't you just love to watch Hummingbirds as they dart among the bright flowers in your garden? Hummingbirds enjoy nectar from flowers, eating insects and drinking nectar syrup from Humming bird feeders. In America itself there are over 18 different kinds of Hummingbirds.
Why Do Roosters Crow?

Why Do Roosters Crow?

You know you're in the country when you hear a rooster crow at the crack of dawn (or at three in the morning). However, what actually makes a rooster crow? Is he warding off possible intruders or what he perceives as intruders?
Get Back to School and Go Birding on Campus!

Get Back to School and Go Birding on Campus!

Go back to school for great birding on college and university campuses. Learn why schools can be great for your birding education!
Bird Cages For Birds of All Sizes

Bird Cages For Birds of All Sizes

If you are thinking of getting yourself a pet bird then you will need to do some homework first. Have you already decided which bird variety you will choose? Are you going to have a large or a small bird? All of these things have to be decided first, naturally. The next thing, when you have decided
Homemade Finch Bird Feeders

Homemade Finch Bird Feeders

Finches are small, colorful birds that are a delightful visitors for your yard. You can set up bird feeders designed and stocked specifically for finches if you want them to keep stopping by. While you also can buy the feeders, making them on your own will save you money and provide a fun project.
What You Should Know About Breeding Cages for Finches

What You Should Know About Breeding Cages for Finches

The finch is one of the easiest species to breed. This makes life a lot easier when it comes to breeding cages for finches. At the same time, they are made to fly long distances despite their small size so make sure there is enough space for them to move freely and to court and mate, it is essential
Brahma Chicken Meat Uses

Brahma Chicken Meat Uses

Brahma chickens are a heritage breed known for their large size and docile temperament. Before the advent of the modern Cornish Rock hybrid, they were very popular as a meat chicken. Today, they are considered a good choice for small farms wanting a dual-purpose breed to produce meat and eggs for ho
Learn the 12 Types of Bird Migration

Learn the 12 Types of Bird Migration

Defines 12 different types of bird migration and gives examples of many birds that use them.