Health & Medical Mental Health

Healing With Matirx Reimprinting - Why Do Money Problems Come From An Unlikely Source?

There are two parts to this.
Firstly people have the issue now - the phobia, the rash or an overspending problem - but they don't know where it comes from.
They just have these symptoms - often doctors say they are 'stress-related' - and they don't understand that there's a root cause.
People that I see typically have inappropriate behaviours that they want to resolve - often around money.
Secondly, when we're traumatised especially pre age six we create amnesia around the event.
This is part of the body's protection mechanism.
So people often don't even consciously remember the event - the trauma and the belief that was created - so they don't know which events connect to which issues.
Matrix Reimprinting And EFT Luckily we have techniques within Matrix Reimprinting to get back to the causal event quickly and elegantly.
I've not found an issue in years now that doesn't have its origin before the age of six.
It doesn't matter whether the problems concern allergies, phobias, relationships or money issues.
I'm not saying you can't clear an issue unless you got it pre-six because often with EFT it's so powerful.
For example, you can just sometimes just tap even if you have this fear of heights and the fear of heights has just gone just with a few rounds of tapping.
With some of the more complex issues you just have to go back further.
Luckily we have the tools in Matrix Reimprinting to be able to do that.
It doesn't matter what the issue is - whether it's a serious illness or pain or inappropriate behaviour around money - we have ways of getting back to what the causal belief is.
What Are Beliefs? Beliefs are strongly held convictions that govern our behaviour.
We act in accordance with our beliefs to a very large extent.
For example, if I believe that I'm not capable, or even worthy, of earning a lot of money, my behaviour will reflect this.
Why Do You Say Beliefs Are Unconscious? The strongest beliefs are often formed before the age of six - a time when our conscious mind had not yet developed.
At that age we just accept everything; what we experience goes straight into the unconscious, and we're not aware of it.
Of course not all beliefs are created in early childhood - some are formed through personal experience later in life.
But we usually find that unconscious beliefs - ones were not consciously aware of -are created before the age of six.
We experience problems when these beliefs drive behaviour that is inappropriate to us as adults.
As The Financial Healer, I specialise in money management problems.
And I see a lot of inappropriate behaviour around money that people want to change.
What Is Inappropriate Behaviour Around Money?
  • Spending more than you earn
  • Gambling
  • Not saving for the future
  • Spending on things you don't need
  • Getting credit with high interest for goods or services that are not essential
  • Just plain overspending
I have seen all of these inappropriate behaviours created by childhood beliefs that are still driving adult behaviour.

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