Termite Fumigation Poison Gas History
Poison fumigation gas use to treat termites began in the early nineteen hundreds. Fumigant gases were created out of need to control pests quickly and economically. Public safety and environmental adverse effects were discovered only after extensive fumigant use.
Benefits Of Environment-Friendly Pest Control
If you are one of the home owners who are disturbed about the infestations of pests in their homes, here's a suggestion for you - while controlling pest growth, you should make sure that the chemicals and methods used in controlling rodents should neither be harmful for the environment nor toxi
Does it Feel Like the Year of the Mosquito to You?
Mosquitoes get bad every summer, but this year their numbers seem bigger than normal. Here's one way to help keep those mosquito numbers at a minimum.
Finding the Best Pest Control Specialist
Read this article to find out why you need to hire a professional pest control service and how they can help you care for your home. Find out tips on how to choose the best pest management company in your area.
How to Get Rid of Ear Mites
Have you examined your pet's ears lately? Many pet owners fail to pay special attention to the insides of their pet's ears. Though it's really great if you get a Q-Tip to clean them, you may be unaware that mites are already thriving in your pet's ears. If left untreated, these m
Steps You Can Take To Avoid Ever Having To Spend Money On A Fungicide
There are several steps you can take to avoid having to spend money on a fungicide. The fungicide we are talking about here is any chemical used to kill fungi. Fungi are micro-organisms (like bacteria) which, depending on their specific varieties, can either be useful to human beings or harmful. Use
Pest Control Tips for Home Owners
Pest infestations are very annoying for homeowners and can become a health hazard for your family. Pests like mosquitoes, cockroaches, bed bugs, ants, flies and rodents can be very detrimental as they carry various pathogens that can cause sever health problems. If the number of bugs in your home is
What You Should Know about Termite Pest Inspection
Termite treatment is just as important as the termite pest inspection. You may be able to stop the infestation on your own for some time; but in case your property has already been infested you would
The Advantages of Snake Repellers
A lot of people in snake inhabited areas don't realise the advantages of having their own snake repellers. These devices are extremely useful for keeping those unwanted serpents away from your home.
Dust Mites in Bed
Dust mites are microscopic creatures that are known to live beds and in dust covered areas. They primarily thrive in locations where the humidity is 30% to 70%. Dust mites have always been a part of the natural world and have been in existence probably long before people inhabited the Earth. Dust co
Naturally Harmless Ant Control: A Kitchen Protection
We know to keep kitchen sinks and counters clean and dry to prevent ants, and here are other natural ways to keep ants out of your home. Persistence is the key when trying natural ant control remedies
Rid Of Roaches - Why, When and Where?
When you are determined to get rid of roaches, there are some basic and fundamental ideas that you must first learn. You need to know why the roach entered your home in the first place.
Silverfish Boric Acid - Discover the 3 Ways That Boric Acid Can Kill Silverfish
Silverfish boric acid is considered to be the primary method of killing these critters. It is a tried and tested method and in this article, I'll tell you about the three ways that it can kill silverfish effectively. I'll also tell you about alternatives that you might want to consider if
All You Need to Know About Termites
Almost every home is infected by termites. Considered to be as organized in colonies they form as bees or ants, termites have today become a common sight in every place, especially the ones which make use of wood. This is precisely why termite treatment has gained immense popularity these days. Howe
Great Tips For Pest Control in and Around the House
One of the banes of your life if you own or live in a house are the scourge of pests. Pest Control becomes an issue ans no one wants pests residing in their homes.
Pest Control Company - Finding the Right One
When you are looking for a local pest control company in your area how do you find the right one? There are many companies in this industry competing for your business and you need to search and contact the right one to service your home. Find out how in this article.
Squirrels - Friend Or Pest?
With everything the squirrel has going for it in its relationship with people you would think that they would be welcomed almost anywhere; but you would also be very wrong. Many squirrels will often cross the line when they invade our homes and build nests within out attics or crawlspaces.
Roach Extermination Experts and the Advantages of Hiring Them
Household pests such as cockroaches, ants and bedbugs are frustrating. The cockroaches are the commonest in many households as well as the hardest to eliminate. Even if you eliminate the roaches today
Microwave Treatment Termite Detection Tool Advantage
A very important step of microwave termite treatment is detection and precise location of the entire termite colony treated. The uses of termite colony detection tools are of great assistance in isolating the precise location of hidden termites.
How to Make Citronella Wax Candles Work for You
Summer is coming, and with that, mosquitoes. Those irritating creatures that we all hate. So in preparation you should know how to make citronella wax candles that work.