Kidney & Urinary System : Health & Medical

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Exogenous Testosterone and Male Infertility

Exogenous Testosterone and Male Infertility

Can testosterone replacement therapy inhibit fertility? This review explores the effects of exogenous testosterone supplementation on sperm production and male fertility.
What Drugs Help Kidney Function?

What Drugs Help Kidney Function?

Chronic kidney disease makes it difficult for the kidneys to carry out their normal functions. Normal kidneys filter wastes from the blood and maintain normal levels of fluid and electrolytes. Several drugs improve the function of these vital organs.
The Epigenetics of Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease

The Epigenetics of Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease

This new article discusses the emerging field of epigenetic therapy, and the evolving role that it could play in the future treatment of renal disease.
Chronic Kidney Symptoms

Chronic Kidney Symptoms

Chronic kidney disease can be a silent killer. It creeps up on individuals, often making itself known only when the condition is well under way. And it attacks by sabotaging the two vital organs that remove most toxic wastes from the body. Knowing the symptoms of chronic kidney disease can help you
Definition of IVU

Definition of IVU

In medicine, IVU stands for intravenous urogram (also called an intravenous pyelogram or IVP). This diagnostic procedure utilizes radiology to clearly view several organs in the lower torso, such as the kidneys, bladder and ureters.
Medicine for Frequent Urination

Medicine for Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is a type of incontinence known as urge incontinence. Millions of Americans suffer from this condition. There are medications that treat the condition and help to alleviate it.
Hot Baths & Bladder Infections

Hot Baths & Bladder Infections

According to, almost half of all women will have at lease one bladder infection during their lifetime.
Aggressive Treatment for Mineral Disorders in CKD -- Useful?

Aggressive Treatment for Mineral Disorders in CKD -- Useful?

Jeffrey Berns, MD, argues for not targeting parathyroid or calcium levels in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Action-Myoclonus Renal Failure Syndrome

Action-Myoclonus Renal Failure Syndrome

Myoclonus is, according the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, a physical event in which a muscle contracts and then relaxes. Action-myoclonus Renal Failure Syndrome (AMRF syndrome) is an exceedingly rare condition with both physiological and neurological effects.
Decreased Fetuin-A Levels and Increased Burden of Cardiovascular Disease

Decreased Fetuin-A Levels and Increased Burden of Cardiovascular Disease

Dr. Lynda Szczech from the Division of Nephrology at Duke University Medical Center, comments on the associations between decreased fetuin-A levels and increased burden of cardiovascular disease.
What Is the Meaning of the pH Balance in Aquariums?

What Is the Meaning of the pH Balance in Aquariums?

Water is to fish what air is to humans. Neither air nor water must maintain an exact mixture of its chemical contents to sustain life, but way too much or way too little of certain things can cause illness, or even death. Each fish species has a preference as to the amount of ammonia, nitrates, nitr
Methicillin-Resistant Staph Urinary Tract Infections

Methicillin-Resistant Staph Urinary Tract Infections

Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus may be referred to as MRSA. Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria live on the skin of most people and can cause an infection when the bacteria enter the body through a cut or through a catheter tube. MRSA can lead to pneumonia, blood infections and urinar
Patients at Low Risk for Chronic Kidney Disease Progression Don't Benefit From ARBs

Patients at Low Risk for Chronic Kidney Disease Progression Don't Benefit From ARBs

News of the death of ARBs for CKD, however, is greatly exaggerated, says Jeffrey Berns, MD, of UPenn School of Medicine, in this video blog.
Retinopathy and CKD as Predictors of All-Cause and CVD Mortality

Retinopathy and CKD as Predictors of All-Cause and CVD Mortality

Are patients with CKD and retinopathy at an increased risk for cardiovascular mortality? This new study investigates the connection.
Sleep-Related Painful Erections

Sleep-Related Painful Erections

After describing the case of a 45-year-old man with sleep-related painful erection, the authors discuss the clinical presentation of this rare condition, as well as its diagnosis and management.
Depression Linked to Urinary Incontinence in Men

Depression Linked to Urinary Incontinence in Men

Major depression, hypertension, enlarged prostates, and older age are all associated with an increased risk of urinary incontinence in men, a large study suggests.
Anorexia Nervosa and the Kidney

Anorexia Nervosa and the Kidney

How does anorexia nervosa potentially cause kidney problems? This new study takes a close look at the serious renal complications that can arise in this subset of patients.
Home Cure for Overactive Bladder

Home Cure for Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder causes the sufferer to feel a frequent and sudden urge to urinate. The condition may cause incontinence. Some people are too embarrassed to discuss treatment options with their doctor. Some home treatments can help get control of the bladder and remedy the condition.
Kidney Disease In Cardiology

Kidney Disease In Cardiology

This article reviews risk stratification and diagnosis of IHD in severe CKD and ESRD patients, trials to reduce the risk of AKI, and new data on the characteristics of dialysis patients with AMI.
Onabotulinum Toxin A: Option for Idiopathic Overactive Bladder

Onabotulinum Toxin A: Option for Idiopathic Overactive Bladder

Learn more about an important therapeutic alternative for patients with overactive bladder.