Kidney Disease In Cardiology
Kidney Disease In Cardiology
Focusing on the convergence of cardiology and nephrology, this article marks the second year of NDT's section on Kidney Diseases beyond Nephrology. The clinical themes highlighted by the articles chosen for review include risk stratification and diagnosis of ischemic heart disease in severe chronic kidney disease and endstage renal disease patients, trials to reduce the risk of acute kidney injury (particularly contrast nephropathy) occurring with the invasive diagnosis and treatment of ischemic heart disease, and new data on the special clinical characteristics of dialysis patients with acute myocardial infarction. Finally, two clinical trials focusing on cardiovascular disease in severe kidney disease patients will be briefly highlighted.
It is a brilliant fall in Minneapolis, but winter will again be upon us (and, hopefully, a new bridge raised to replace the one that failed catastrophically on 1 August 2007) by the time this review is published. Nearly a year has passed since the inauguration of Kidney Diseases beyond Nephrology; it is once again time to sift through the literature to highlight papers dealing with cardiac disease relevant to nephrologists and published in non-nephrology journals. Some themes previously addressed will be reprised (along with my apologies for not including the many worthy papers meriting discussion), as they figure prominently in recent publications. These include risk stratification and diagnosis of ischemic heart disease in severe chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, trials to reduce the risk of acute kidney injury (particularly contrast nephropathy) occurring with the invasive diagnosis and treatment of ischemic heart disease, and new data on the special clinical characteristics of dialysis patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Finally, two provocative clinical trials focusing on cardiovascular disease in severe CKD and ESRD patients will be briefly highlighted.
Focusing on the convergence of cardiology and nephrology, this article marks the second year of NDT's section on Kidney Diseases beyond Nephrology. The clinical themes highlighted by the articles chosen for review include risk stratification and diagnosis of ischemic heart disease in severe chronic kidney disease and endstage renal disease patients, trials to reduce the risk of acute kidney injury (particularly contrast nephropathy) occurring with the invasive diagnosis and treatment of ischemic heart disease, and new data on the special clinical characteristics of dialysis patients with acute myocardial infarction. Finally, two clinical trials focusing on cardiovascular disease in severe kidney disease patients will be briefly highlighted.
It is a brilliant fall in Minneapolis, but winter will again be upon us (and, hopefully, a new bridge raised to replace the one that failed catastrophically on 1 August 2007) by the time this review is published. Nearly a year has passed since the inauguration of Kidney Diseases beyond Nephrology; it is once again time to sift through the literature to highlight papers dealing with cardiac disease relevant to nephrologists and published in non-nephrology journals. Some themes previously addressed will be reprised (along with my apologies for not including the many worthy papers meriting discussion), as they figure prominently in recent publications. These include risk stratification and diagnosis of ischemic heart disease in severe chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, trials to reduce the risk of acute kidney injury (particularly contrast nephropathy) occurring with the invasive diagnosis and treatment of ischemic heart disease, and new data on the special clinical characteristics of dialysis patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Finally, two provocative clinical trials focusing on cardiovascular disease in severe CKD and ESRD patients will be briefly highlighted.