Stung By A Bee? What To Do
Bee stings can be hard to deal with, especially if the person stung has an allergy. Here is what you should do in an emergency.
Oral Tolerance and Allergic Responses to Food Proteins
This paper addresses the mechanisms at the interface of innate and adaptive immunity that determine how the body responds to orally administered proteins and how local bacteria modify them.
Top Asthma Symptoms You Should Watch Out For
What are the symptoms of asthma? Asthma symptoms can be non-specific and somewhat confusing. Learn the symptoms that make you suspect asthma.
Is It A Cold or A Sinus Infection?
A sac or cavity in any organ or tissue is called sinus. Sometimes what you think is a very bad head cold is a sinus infection. The sinus infection is called sinusitis.
Managing Hereditary Angioedema Due to C1-INH Deficiency
What are the most effective strategies to diagnose -- and treat -- this rare and potentially life-threatening condition?
Allergies Features Page
Find in-depth feature stories on Allergy Health at WebMD
How to Help Asthma Symptoms Decrease Naturally!
Asthma is a major medical problem for children and adults more so than ever before. In the last twenty years asthma has more than doubled and millions suffer from it.
Asthma in Children-When to Call a Doctor
If your child has been diagnosed with asthma and has an asthma action plan (which tells you what medications to take during an asthma attack), do the following. Callor other emergency services immediately if your child has severe asthma symptoms (in the red zone of the asthma action plan) and you ha
Some of the Potentially Deadly Allergies
There are quite a number of allergy types that can cause us serious ailments. If you are the type of a person who gets an instant allergic reaction from let's say eating or drinking something, even being stung by a wasp or a bee, then you must consult a physician and be tested for an allergy.
Occupational Asthma
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of occupational asthma including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Asthma and Sulfites Allergies
WebMD explains the risks of sulfite allergies for people with asthma -- and some tips for preventing a life-threatening allergic reaction.
Curing Asthma - How to Completely Remove Dust Mites
Nobody wants to have mites in their homes just like nobody wants to have dust inside their houses. Yet, sometimes it just happens that the small mites get inside and you cannot make them leave.
Tinnitus Treatments - Is The Ringing In Your Ears Caused By A Sinus Or Allergy Problem?
Do you think your chronic sinus infections, chronic allergies or chronic sinusitis is causing your tinnitus? So the real question is...What do you do about it?
Itchy Hands During Allergy Season
In some cases, your itchy hands may be caused by allergies. There are many treatments for this.
Kids with Asthma Don’t Miss More School
A new study of students in Dallas inner-city schools shows that students with asthma do not miss school more than students without asthma. This marks a change from past studies.
Allergies - Nasal
Nasal allergies are caused by allergens in the air.Symptoms are similar to the common cold, such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes.
Is There A Fish Oil Asthma Link?
There is clear evidence that more Omega 3 in our diet has a range of health benefits. Being a good anti-inflammatory, can more Omega 3 in our diet also help prevent or reduce the symptoms of asthma?"/
Food Allergy Survival Guide - Food Allergies Ruining Your Appetite? No More!
Many people suffer from tragic food allergies and some don't even have an idea that it exists in them. The allergy is a result of the body's reaction on introducing the kind of foods which cannot or are difficult to get digested by the system.
Sinusitis-What Happens
There are two types of sinusitis: acute (sudden onset) and chronic (long - term). Sinusitis often develops after a cold or viral infection. Most sinus infections improve on their own, but sometimes they develop into a bacterial infection-swelling, inflamm
Living With a Wheat Allergy
Information on how a wheat allergy can affect your life and tips for living with one.