Stung By A Bee? What To Do
Bee stings - one specific peril to which beekeeping can expose us constantly, whether the method is organic or not.
There are a lot more to the pain that bee stings can bring.
The danger increases if it stimulates an allergic reaction.
It is a predicament that occurs among twenty percent of the people stung by bees.
If you only get itching as a consequence, you are lucky.
Worst-case scenarios include victims going down with anaphylactic shock.
The bee sting, that contains a venom sac and pump, must by all means be removed immediately when a person is stung.
This cannot be emphasized more.
Get it out by any means.
Though it may produce more venom, you may go as far as squeezing it out.
The bee sting also contains the scent of an alarm pheromone that will lure more bees.
Smoke the area as soon as you are done and move away if you don't want more bees to get to you.
For first aid purposes, a soothing lotion or cream such as Witch Hazel or calamine can be used.
To numb the affected part from pain, an ice pack may be used at home.
For severe allergic reactions, anti-histamine intake is helpful.
It is best to consult a doctor though.
Adrenaline shots can come in handy in case a victim of the sting is badly affected.
This is especially formulated by professional doctors and must be administered by someone who is knowledgeable about the injection.
It must be used with utmost care and precaution.
During instances when a victim falls to an anaphylactic shock, have the sting removed, cover up the alarm pheromone and distance yourselves from the hive.
Help the victim to calm down and have him relax in a sitting position.
Ask him for any past occurrence of the shock and any readily available medication, especially upon difficulty in breathing and dizziness.
Call for an ambulance.
Make the victim as comfortable as possible.
You may loosen his clothes and provide ventilation.
Meanwhile, encourage regular breathing until the ambulance arrives.
In case the victim faints, incline the head properly to open air passage and position for recovery.
One arm stretched out, the other one folded to reach the other shoulder.
While supporting the head, lift his knee and roll him slowly and carefully to his side.
Check pulse and breathing while calling for an ambulance.
There are a lot more to the pain that bee stings can bring.
The danger increases if it stimulates an allergic reaction.
It is a predicament that occurs among twenty percent of the people stung by bees.
If you only get itching as a consequence, you are lucky.
Worst-case scenarios include victims going down with anaphylactic shock.
The bee sting, that contains a venom sac and pump, must by all means be removed immediately when a person is stung.
This cannot be emphasized more.
Get it out by any means.
Though it may produce more venom, you may go as far as squeezing it out.
The bee sting also contains the scent of an alarm pheromone that will lure more bees.
Smoke the area as soon as you are done and move away if you don't want more bees to get to you.
For first aid purposes, a soothing lotion or cream such as Witch Hazel or calamine can be used.
To numb the affected part from pain, an ice pack may be used at home.
For severe allergic reactions, anti-histamine intake is helpful.
It is best to consult a doctor though.
Adrenaline shots can come in handy in case a victim of the sting is badly affected.
This is especially formulated by professional doctors and must be administered by someone who is knowledgeable about the injection.
It must be used with utmost care and precaution.
During instances when a victim falls to an anaphylactic shock, have the sting removed, cover up the alarm pheromone and distance yourselves from the hive.
Help the victim to calm down and have him relax in a sitting position.
Ask him for any past occurrence of the shock and any readily available medication, especially upon difficulty in breathing and dizziness.
Call for an ambulance.
Make the victim as comfortable as possible.
You may loosen his clothes and provide ventilation.
Meanwhile, encourage regular breathing until the ambulance arrives.
In case the victim faints, incline the head properly to open air passage and position for recovery.
One arm stretched out, the other one folded to reach the other shoulder.
While supporting the head, lift his knee and roll him slowly and carefully to his side.
Check pulse and breathing while calling for an ambulance.