Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Is It A Cold or A Sinus Infection?

A sac or cavity in any organ or tissue is called sinus.
Sometimes what you think is a very bad head cold is a sinus infection.
The sinus infection is called sinusitis.
It is a very common disorder.
Sinus Infection Symptoms Sinus symptoms are consists of inflammation of the nose or the Para nasal sinuses which may be caused by an infection.
Some of the symptoms of sinusitis are when you have a headache especially around your eyes or facial pain.
Sinus can be classified by the sinus cavity that it affects.
Maxillary can cause pain in the cheek area, that a person then experiences toothache and headache.
Frontal is the pain or pressure above the eyes.
Ethmoid can cause pain or pressure between the eyes or behind the eyes and lastly the sphenoid can cause pain or pressure on top of the head.
Cheek sinus is when it becomes swollen and you can feel it tender to the touch.
It usually worsens when the person affected lies down or bends over.
A cold is what a person experiences when the body temperature goes down, meaning that there is less heat.
When a person experiences having a common cold, he feels run down, with a clogged up nose, and can't breathe, sometimes with a sore throat, and a little fever little does he know that he/she has sinusitis.
It usually takes 2 to 5 days.
Sinus Infection Remedies Eating right is very important.
When you have a cold, your resistance is low.
Elevate your resistance by staying hydrated by drinking lots of water as well as taking vitamins and minerals to increase your body's resistance.
Take time to rest.
Home remedies made available are herbal tea which is believed to soothe the nasal congestion, chicken soup, Neti pot to relieve the condition.
Since the nose is clogged up, irrigating the nose with salient spray can help.
If the sinusitis is caused by allergies take anti-histamine.
Be careful though with buying over the counter drugs.
See your doctor first about which one is the correct one for you.
Sinus infection treatment Decongestant nasal sprays may provide relief but cannot be used for a long time.
If symptoms do not react with medicines within the 10 day period, an anti biotic is usually prescribed by the doctor.
For chronic or recurring sinusitis, surgery is an option, but a doctor's advice must first be sought to avoid complications.
Sinus plays an important role in the sound of our voice.
Notice that the voice sounds different when we are sick.
We have to take good care of our health since one factor causes another.
One way to lower the risk of getting a sinusitis is to improve home environment.
Stuff like dust can trigger allergies which can lead to sinusitis.
Remember that even if you have home remedies, it is always important to see your doctor whether the sinusitis is acute or chronic, to prevent the infection from getting worst.
Not only should you avoid getting sinusitis but if you are infected, try to rest so as not to spread the virus to other people.

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