Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical

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Is It Just A Cold?

Is It Just A Cold?

When you have asthma it is important to tell the difference between a cold and the flu. This article discusses the important cold symptoms.
Asthmatic Child Help and Information

Asthmatic Child Help and Information

Parents of asthmatic children often feel powerless to help. This article discusses the signs of child asthma, the best way to administer medication, and what to do during an asthma attack.
Rescue Inhalers With Bronchodilators and ICS?

Rescue Inhalers With Bronchodilators and ICS?

Is there a place for rescue inhalers containing both a short-acting bronchodilator and inhaled corticosteroids in the same device for mild persistent asthmatics?
Skin Prick Allergy Test

Skin Prick Allergy Test

Illustration copyright 2003 Nucleus Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
Asthma Treatment - Way to Get Rid of This Persistent Ail!

Asthma Treatment - Way to Get Rid of This Persistent Ail!

Are you a victim of this persistent painful condition? Since when did you get attacked by this viral disease and what were the consequences? I am sure that if you are reading this article then you must be worried and curious about tips that can help you to get rid of this persistent disease.
The Deal on Food Allergies - How to Avoid Potential Reactions

The Deal on Food Allergies - How to Avoid Potential Reactions

Food allergies are a major concern for millions of people worldwide. At worst, they can be potentially deadly and at least a cause of concern and confusion for those afflicted with them. Find out what actually causes a food allergy and what you can do to make sure you stay healthy and safe in the fa
Home Remedy for Asthma

Home Remedy for Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory illness that causes its sufferers to have difficulty breathing, especially exhaling air from the lungs. Asthma is an allergic reaction in the respiratory system that causes the muscles supporting the airways to become restricted by spasmodic contractions. Many irritants can t
What is Asthma & What Are Some Natural Remedies For This Problem

What is Asthma & What Are Some Natural Remedies For This Problem

Asthma is a lung condition affecting the bronchial tubes.This is a verycommon disease, affecting 1 out of 40 people.The symptoms are usuallyintermittent, meaning that they recur without any definite pattern.Thesymptoms of asthma occur sporadically but this disease is considered a chronicdisease. Thi
Have You Had Allergy Testing Done by Your Doctor?

Have You Had Allergy Testing Done by Your Doctor?

If you suffer from an allergy, it usually manifests itself in spring and fall.You begin to have difficult breathing, your nose runs as you cough and sneeze and your eyes water and itch.Most people opt for the doctor's prescribed medications or run to the drugstore and try the hit and miss metho
Help With Asthma - 4 Ways To Help With Asthma Symptoms

Help With Asthma - 4 Ways To Help With Asthma Symptoms

Asthma sufferers have help available to them when it comes to the asthma and the symptoms, whether the help is natural or is based on medicines. Learn what you can do to help alleviate the symptoms and reclaim your life.
Update on Systemic Therapies for Atopic Dermatitis

Update on Systemic Therapies for Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis can be treated satisfactorily with topical medications and systemic anti-itch approaches, but some patients require more aggressive systemic therapies.
High Carbon Dioxide Levels May Up Asthma Rate

High Carbon Dioxide Levels May Up Asthma Rate

Rising greenhouse gas levels may be contributing to expanding rates of asthma in U.S. cities and worsening allergies in millions of urban and suburban people, a new Harvard Medical School report shows.
Food Allergies-Treatment Overview

Food Allergies-Treatment Overview

The best treatment for food allergies is to avoid the food that causes the allergy. When that is not possible, you can use medications such as antihistamines for mild reactions and the medications in an allergy kit for serious reactions.
Is Sublingual Immunotherapy Clinically Effective?

Is Sublingual Immunotherapy Clinically Effective?

The scope of this review is to evaluate the clinical efficacy of sublingual allergen-specific immunotherapy in allergic disease based on placebo-controlled, double-blind studies published within the last decade.
Gluten Intolerance Symptoms - What You Need To Know Now To Recognize It

Gluten Intolerance Symptoms - What You Need To Know Now To Recognize It

Find out the signs that you need to be aware of if you think you have a gluten intolerance. This article also discusses the typical symptoms seen that you should discuss with your doctor.
How to Identify Asthma?

How to Identify Asthma?

Asthma is a disease manifested by swelling of the air passages. When you air passages start swelling, you will be experiencing the different asthma symptoms. Remember that not only children are afflicted with asthma. Even adults who never had asthma during childhood may experience asthma symptoms.
The Health Benefits of Salt Lamps

The Health Benefits of Salt Lamps

Salt lamps are not just cool looking, but deliver a healthy little kick as well. Just by adding one small lamp to any room will make the air much easier to breathe, especially for asthma sufferers.
Vitamin D May Improve Asthma Control

Vitamin D May Improve Asthma Control

Vitamin D is the new "it" vitamin as growing numbers of studies link its deficiency to a host of medical conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
Allergy Season And How To Use A Nebulizer To Ease Symptoms

Allergy Season And How To Use A Nebulizer To Ease Symptoms

Allergies are one of the most difficult things to live with and can be quite devastating for some. An allergy is defined by the medical community as an irrational response to environmental factors such as food or pollen.
New Developments in the Understanding of Immunology in Silicosis

New Developments in the Understanding of Immunology in Silicosis

New pathogenic routes involving innate receptors and antiinflammation as well as new antifibrotic immune mediators have been recently described in experimental silicosis.