Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Quitting Smoking Through the Eyes of a Hypnotherapist

Smoking can not only affect one's relationships and daily routines but has a multitude detrimental physical side effects too.
As you must know by now, smoking causes cancer, heart disease, lung disease, gastrointestinal disease, along with countless other life threatening and terminal illnesses.
If you are a smoker and have not yet been affected by these more serious illnesses, more than likely you experience one or more of smoking's other byproducts: bad breath, shortness of breath, wrinkling of the skin, erectile dysfunction, sleeping problems, sore throat, and stained teeth.
An addiction that has for quite some time continued to plague our country and many others, smoking is a regular part part of people's daily lives.
If you haven't tried prescription and/or over-the-counter stop smoking aids, chances are you know quite a few people who have.
Nicorette gum, Nicoderm patches, Chantix; side effects: nausea, gas, dry mouth, nightmares, trouble sleeping, headaches, fatigue, suicide...
could you make it any harder to quit?! The success of people staying on these products and dealing with their side effects alongside of the nicotine withdrawals is few and far between.
FORGET THE PATCHES AND PILLS! I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to hypnosis.
Hypnosis is an completely safe and enjoyable state of relaxation.
You cannot be fooled into doing something you would not do in a fully aware and conscious state.
Hypnosis has to be done with you and of course, cannot be done to you.
During any level of hypnosis, you never lose control.
Hypnosis is an extremely effective and powerful tool for you to regain total and complete control of what is important to you.
Now knowing what hypnosis is, you can see that it is a 100% safe, natural, and effective alternative to a bevy of prescription drugs and over-the-counter failures just waiting to happen.
Join the thousands who have already found success in hypnosis this year! Give it a shot and you'll be glad you did.

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