Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Three Reasons Why You Need to Stop Smoking

Are you struggling to stop smoking? Then you are not alone.
There are millions of people who struggle with this battle.
Something that could help your battle with smoking become one step easier is to make a list of the top three reasons why YOU should quit today.
Here are the top three for most people.
Your Health Smokers not only have to worry about what smoking is doing to their organs, but also how if effect their appearance.
Smokers are at huge risks of developing lung cancer and/or having a heart attack.
After just months of being smoke free, your percentage goes down for being at risk for these two life threatening illnesses.
Don't you want to live a longer, healthier life for not just you but also your friends and family? Smoking effects your appearance as well.
If you would stop smoking, your skin will retain it's natural, healthy glow, and not have that grayish tint to it.
You won't ever get back the youth of your skin, but at least you won't be aging it anymore than normal.
Smokers are constantly worried about their breath and how yellow their teeth are.
By not smoking all day, will eliminate these issues! Your Family Smokers are constantly excuse themselves to go out side to smoke.
Wouldn't it be nice not having to worry about when or where you can have your next smoke break? More public places are becoming smoke free, meaning it is going to effect where, and how long your going to stay.
Smoking when you have kids, can be a real struggle as well.
Do you go outside when you smoke? Or do you stay inside with them.
Eliminating this habit can benefit them as well.
First and most important, you are stopping the risk for them to develop lung cancer due to second hand smoke.
They won't have higher percentages of developing asthma or other respiratory problems.
By you quitting smoking, you are setting a good example to your kids! Money Think of all the money you could save over a year if you quit smoking.
Let work out the numbers for you.
Lets say that you smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, average price of $4.
00 a pack.
That's $28.
00 for a week, $112 for a month, and $1344 for a whole year.
Now these prices are just for those who smoke only 1 pack a day.
Imagine what you could do with this money that you spend on cigarettes.
You could take that vacation you've always wanted to go on but couldn't afford it.
Trying to quit smoking can be a very hard habit to break! But there are many amazing website that can help you overcome your habit.
Click on the website below for more information on how to stop smoking in only seven days!

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