How To Quit Smoking - Why Do You Really Smoke?
The answer I usually get when I ask why do you smoke is, well its obvious isn't it I'm addicted.
Well that may be the case for you but I am suggesting that if you really want to know how to quit smoking, then you need to get very serious about this question.
In a conversation with an ex smoker he said that his hypnotherapist repeatedly asked him the question, why do you smoke.
She persisted until he got past all the standard answers and eventually from somewhere deep in his unconscious came the response, because it is healthy for me.
We don't usually associate the words healthy and smoking together.
If you remember that your sub conscious simply loads data, it doesn't have to be true and it doesn't have to be logical, it's just information.
Imagine long ago in your past, you started smoking and by doing so you were accepted by a group of your peers as a consequence.
The message that is slotted into your subconscious is that smoking makes me feel good! This thought which is obviously no longer true over time is released every time you have some difficulties in your life.
The result is you attempt to manage these difficulties with cigarettes.
It doesn't matter that smoking doesn't solve any of life's problems, it has no relevance, and all you know is that your subconscious is trying to protect you from some emotional pain.
Unfortunately your subconscious mind doesn't recognise that you are using a method to help you which will ultimately kill you, in a grisly manner.
Your subconscious mind has a primary directive to protect you.
So it is critical that the data that has been loaded into this part of your mind is actually beneficial to you.
With hypnosis, you will easily release your old beliefs and new healthy protective beliefs will be introduced, safely and successfully.
So that in a future situation which is stressful for you, you will not turn to cigarettes for stress relief you will automatically find other ways to manage your problems.
After all non smokers have always found other ways to manage stress.
Ideally these new ways will be healthy for you.
This thought should also be suggested in hypnosis.
So perhaps it would serve you well to seriously contemplate why you really smoke and this will give you some clues as to what you need to do to quit.
Also once you find the real reason you will understand why it may have been difficult for you to quit in the past.
Well that may be the case for you but I am suggesting that if you really want to know how to quit smoking, then you need to get very serious about this question.
In a conversation with an ex smoker he said that his hypnotherapist repeatedly asked him the question, why do you smoke.
She persisted until he got past all the standard answers and eventually from somewhere deep in his unconscious came the response, because it is healthy for me.
We don't usually associate the words healthy and smoking together.
If you remember that your sub conscious simply loads data, it doesn't have to be true and it doesn't have to be logical, it's just information.
Imagine long ago in your past, you started smoking and by doing so you were accepted by a group of your peers as a consequence.
The message that is slotted into your subconscious is that smoking makes me feel good! This thought which is obviously no longer true over time is released every time you have some difficulties in your life.
The result is you attempt to manage these difficulties with cigarettes.
It doesn't matter that smoking doesn't solve any of life's problems, it has no relevance, and all you know is that your subconscious is trying to protect you from some emotional pain.
Unfortunately your subconscious mind doesn't recognise that you are using a method to help you which will ultimately kill you, in a grisly manner.
Your subconscious mind has a primary directive to protect you.
So it is critical that the data that has been loaded into this part of your mind is actually beneficial to you.
With hypnosis, you will easily release your old beliefs and new healthy protective beliefs will be introduced, safely and successfully.
So that in a future situation which is stressful for you, you will not turn to cigarettes for stress relief you will automatically find other ways to manage your problems.
After all non smokers have always found other ways to manage stress.
Ideally these new ways will be healthy for you.
This thought should also be suggested in hypnosis.
So perhaps it would serve you well to seriously contemplate why you really smoke and this will give you some clues as to what you need to do to quit.
Also once you find the real reason you will understand why it may have been difficult for you to quit in the past.