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Installation of Stones in Soil

    • 1). Remove any sod from the area where you will be installing stones with a shovel. If you are placing the stones a foot or more apart, you can just take out the grass where the stones will be laid.

    • 2). Loosen the soil by tilling the surface lightly. This will help you to settle the stones into the ground.

    • 3). Dig out enough soil to place a stone level with the surrounding surface or vegetation. Because stones are irregularly shaped, the depth they will need to be buried will vary.

    • 4). Place stones close together with about a 1- to 2-inch gap to make a walkway. Since the stones will have different numbers of sides and the edges may be straighter or rougher, place those stones that fit together best closer together.

    • 5). Walk on the stones to help settle them into the soil.

    • 6). Put loose soil on the surface of the stone walkway and sweep it into the spaces between the stones.

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