Coal Oil (Kerosene), Lard and Zinc Lids
Eastern Kentucky had a home remedy to break up congestion: coal oil (kerosene), lard and zinc lids.
I never knew why they called kerosene, "coal oil," but that's what we called it back home.
The remedy for chest congestion: a zinc lid, a small amount of coal oil (kerosene) and a dab of lard.
The women would put the kerosene and lard in a zinc lid.
Then they would rake a few coals from the fire place onto the hearth.
Then the zinc lid with the mixture inside would be set atop these hot coals.
Soon the lard would melt and mix with the kerosene.
When the mixture was hot, the woman would take it and pour some on a wool cloth.
Then while the mixture was still very warm, she would apply this wool cloth to the patient's chest.
Then she would cover the cloth with the patient's PJ's or T-shirt, pull the quilts back over his chest, and let the home remedy work its magic.
The aroma would penetrate the nostril membranes to help relieve nasal congestion, but its most important job was, along with the heat, to penetrate the chest cavity and relieve congestion in bronchial passages and lungs.
This procedure would be repeated over and over until results were gained.
I'll never forget Mrs.
Cummings making the coal oil (kerosene) and lard concoction in a zinc lid for my younger brother.
He had pneumonia and the local doctor told mom that her youngest son would be lucky to make it through the night.
Enter Mrs.
Cummings and her home remedy.
She kept the wool cloth warm with the mixture.
She applied these compresses to my little brother's chest through out the night.
Around 3:00 A.
, his fever broke, and we knew he would live because Mrs.
Cummings went home.
Yes, the coal oil (kerosene) and lard kept hot in a zinc lid saved my brother's life.
That was in 1946, and he's still alive today.
Home remedies work, and so do natural foods for your diet.
So as always, eat healthy my friends.
I never knew why they called kerosene, "coal oil," but that's what we called it back home.
The remedy for chest congestion: a zinc lid, a small amount of coal oil (kerosene) and a dab of lard.
The women would put the kerosene and lard in a zinc lid.
Then they would rake a few coals from the fire place onto the hearth.
Then the zinc lid with the mixture inside would be set atop these hot coals.
Soon the lard would melt and mix with the kerosene.
When the mixture was hot, the woman would take it and pour some on a wool cloth.
Then while the mixture was still very warm, she would apply this wool cloth to the patient's chest.
Then she would cover the cloth with the patient's PJ's or T-shirt, pull the quilts back over his chest, and let the home remedy work its magic.
The aroma would penetrate the nostril membranes to help relieve nasal congestion, but its most important job was, along with the heat, to penetrate the chest cavity and relieve congestion in bronchial passages and lungs.
This procedure would be repeated over and over until results were gained.
I'll never forget Mrs.
Cummings making the coal oil (kerosene) and lard concoction in a zinc lid for my younger brother.
He had pneumonia and the local doctor told mom that her youngest son would be lucky to make it through the night.
Enter Mrs.
Cummings and her home remedy.
She kept the wool cloth warm with the mixture.
She applied these compresses to my little brother's chest through out the night.
Around 3:00 A.
, his fever broke, and we knew he would live because Mrs.
Cummings went home.
Yes, the coal oil (kerosene) and lard kept hot in a zinc lid saved my brother's life.
That was in 1946, and he's still alive today.
Home remedies work, and so do natural foods for your diet.
So as always, eat healthy my friends.