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See The Great Wall Of China

Few things are so massive that they can be seen from space; however there is one manmade barricade that is believed to be seen from space. The Great Wall of China, it is an expansive fortification consisting of walls made of concrete, mud, and any other element that can block a force. To visit this wonder all you have to do is grab your passport. If you don't have a passport just go to any agency and get the passport process started you can also apply for a passport renewal if your United States passport has expired.


Passports allow for international travel, without these pertinent documents foreign travel is impossible. These travel documents allow for an individual to cross into a foreign country as well as re-enter their country of origin. The expedited passport renewal process although considered tedious, is much easier than it used to be. Now with technology and the internet as long as proper documentation is gathered a passport is quite easily obtained.

The Great Wall Of China

The Great Wall of China was initially started in the 7th century. As the years went on, citizens of the country began to slowly build onto it. They used many different materials to construct the incredible wall. These materials included wood, stone, brick and other earth made materials. If you are going to be visiting China any time in the near future, you should consider checking out the magnificent Great Wall of China. In the beginning, the wall was actually a bunch of separate walls created by the citizens of China. However, as the years went on, the individual walls were connected to form one massive structure.


The main purpose of the Great Wall of China was to act as a form of border control that allowed for individual check points. Today, it still serves this function, but also acts as a wonderful tourist destination that people come from all over the world to see. In addition, over the years China has added more protection to the Great Wall of China. This was done by adding watch towers, barracks for soldiers and a communication system that allows individuals stationed along the wall to communicate with each other.


The most current and precise archaeological survey of the wall indicated that it measures 5,500.3 miles long. This mileage is comprised of 3,889.5 miles of actual wall, 1,387.2 miles of natural barriers such as rivers and hills, and 233.4 miles of trenches. The Wall stretches from Shanhaiguan in the East, to Lop Lake in the west; it follows an arc that is the approximate delineation of the southern edge of Inner Mongolia.

Moon Myth Debunked

Although a widely popular notion and extremely historical, The Great Wall of China cannot in fact, be seen from the moon or space. The resolution required to be able to see the wall and distinguish it from its surrounding is so expansive that it is virtually impossible and no astronaut has claimed to be able to see it. Writers as far back as the 1700's claimed that the Great Wall should be visible to the moon; however they lacked the scientific understanding and prowess to grasp the actual notion.

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