Family & Relationships Weddings

DIY Tulip Bouquet

    • 1). Select the tulips you wish to use, between three and 24.

    • 2). Arrange the tulips in your hand. Adjust the height of each blossom by gently pulling the stems. Add in any greenery you wish to use, like leaves or ferns.

    • 3). Cut off a 24-inch piece of floral tape. Start wrapping the tape just under the lowest tulip blossom. Wrap the tape tight enough around the stems to hold the tulips in place, but not tight enough to crack or constrict the stems. Wrap tape around the stems until only a 1-inch gap on the shortest stem appears.

    • 4). Trim the tulip stems so they are even with the shortest stem.

    • 5). Cut a 12-inch piece of tulle. Tie it around the center of the stems in a bow.

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