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How to Make a Man Work for You - Vital Dating Basics Which All Women Out There Should Know

There is a man of your dreams and you want him to want you.
Things are not moving the way you would like them to and you want to encourage him to chase you so that he has to work hard to get you.
If you want to take your relationship where he is mad about you, read on to find out what you need to know.
Be unavailable Do not be available whenever he wants to go out with you, he should have to work to spend time with you.
Let him feel that he is getting someone of value and not a person who has no life or who is needy.
Make an impression with your personality If you want him to work for you make sure you show off your positives; show that you are caring, friendly and an interesting person.
Do not change your personality to fit in according to his but be yourself.
Passing nasty comments about others or complaining will not make him chase you, so be away from such behavior.
Have a sense of mystery about you Do not be an open book and go on and on about yourself, let him take efforts to know you better.
Give a little of yourself whenever you meet so that it becomes a challenge for him to learn all about you.
This pushes him to do a little more to know the real you.
You are successful in your area of work When you are successful in what you do, whether it is getting good grades in your assignment or being ahead in your field of work it makes you even more attractive in the eyes of your man.
He knows how to value you and will work harder to make an impression on you.
Floor him with your charm Show off your feminine and charismatic side so that he cannot resist you.
He will work extra hard for you when he feels the pull of attraction towards you.
Seeing these qualities in you will want him to work to get you.
Be an adorable person You are not only a successful person but there are many admirers who adore you.
Your guy has no choice but to keep the competition away and work hard to get your attention.
Be confident and self assured Men find confidence in women a very attractive trait.
When you are comfortable with your self and happy the way you are and do not fall for superficial compliments that come your way, getting you is like an achievement and a man will work to achieve it.

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