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Environment Advantages of a Good Landscaper Design

Just bought your new home in Kelowna and you are looking for a reliable landscaping contractor to revamp your garden.
Look no further.
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Have you thought about the landscape design yet? But before you answer that question, what's the reason you want to landscape your garden? The initial reason would probably be to enhance your garden and improve the value of your property.
It is a fact that an unattractive landscaping will make the house seem so unattractive.
But in reality, there is a far more important contribution from landscaping your home.
A well designed landscape can help to turn around some of the damages that mankind has done to the environment.
These days everyone is very concern about the unhealthy progress of our environment.
Not only does everyone want to live in a beautiful environment but it has to be a healthy one too.
That's probably the major reason why everyone is looking in the directions of eco-friendly landscapes nowadays.
This would be a great idea for your landscaping plan.
Here are some of the some checklist for an eco-friendly landscape that's worth considering in view of the advantages it will add to the protection and preservation of the environment for our future and our children's future.
Compost in your garden You can turn the leaves and wilted flowers from your garden into compost to fertilize the garden.
Compost contains twice the minerals manure for a chemical-free addition to your lawn, plants and even houseplants.
On top of that, you will be saving the cost of buying chemical-based fertilizers and reducing your household garbage by almost 30 per cent! 2.
Plant more trees One single tree can absorb a ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime while releasing oxygen into the environment.
Trees provide shades from the sun for us, shelter for the animals and delay soil erosions.
Trees provide moisture into the environment creating the cooling effect.
Xeriscape garden Xeriscape the garden in order to minimize the use of water to maintain the garden.
Water consumption normally shoots up during the summer months, due to watering the gardens.
Choose the right plants for the right places in your garden and water them thoughtfully.
Go organic Chemical pesticides and fertilizers are derived from fossil fuels are detrimental to our health and the environment.
Eliminate the use of these chemicals and naturally attract beneficial insects and birds through careful placing of the plants in your garden.
Recycle Practise recycling.
Use plastic containers, wooden crates, metal buckets or drums to blend into your landscape.
If you have more than you can use, just sent them to the recycling outlets.
Store rainwater or reuse the water from your washings to water the plants.
Reduce emissions Unless you have a large estate, opt for push mower rather than the electric mower or even those powered by petrol or diesel.
This will reduce the emissions while increase fitness activities.
Using Mulch Using mulch reduces evaporation and runoff.
It suppresses the weed from growing and keeps the soil cool during the summer.
Mulch also allows for better water absorption.
Most common mulch is wood chips, shavings, straw, coconut husks and pebbles.
Eco-friendly lights These lights do not pollute the environment by emitting dangerous gases.
They require less energy to function.
They are safe and require less maintenance because they last longer.
Solar powered lights and led lights are some of the more energy efficient light available that has become great alternatives to the standard lights.
Attract the wildlife Landscaping lends a new habitat for wildlife and insects to grow while providing the beautiful backdrop for homeowners.
Add features like a small bubbling pot of water to attract them into your garden for a drink or to cool down from the sun's ray.
Eco-friendly products Avoid using plastic products that will subsequently increase the landfill.
Use eco-friendly alternatives such recycled wood products.
For many, eco-friendly landscape is not something that's readily accepted or easily adopted.
There are a number of changes to be considered in order to incorporate an eco-friendly garden into your landscape.

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