Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How To Make A Man Fall In Love With You - Law Of Attraction In the Opposite Sex

Do you want the love of your life to notice you? Here's how you can make it happen.
First, you need to show your true self.
Some people tend to act differently in front of the person they like because they are worrying about rejection.
People who are insecure feel that if others know who they really are, they will not be loved and cared for.
This is not true.
The more you become different from yourself, the more people will not like you because they do not see the reality.
You cannot hide who you really are therefore you should show people, especially the one you like, your true self.
Second, gather information.
This does not mean that you should become a stalker.
You do not have to be one especially if you and the guy have common friends.
Use your connection to ask around about him.
Gather useful information such as his hobbies, the music he likes and so on.
The information will help you in starting a meaningful conversation with him once you get the chance.
Of course, you should also get information about his current relationship status to know whether or not you stand a chance of winning his heart.
Third, get connected with him.
If you have mutual friends, ask them to introduce him to you.
You can tell one or two friends about your feelings for the guy in order to have a reliable back up in times of need.
Once you and the guy finally have a decent conversation, strategize and make a way to get his contact details such as his mobile phone number or e-mail.
You can also add him to your SNS accounts.
Fourth, let him be the man.
Although we are living in the modern world where it is okay for women to be aggressive, make it a point to not become too aggressive.
Most men do not like girls who make the first move because they believe it is something that should be rightfully done by men.
When he tries to comfort you or help you in difficult situations, allow him to do so.
He will definitely feel good if he feels that he is of help for you.
Fifth, play hard-to-get.
If you notice that he is starting to like you and he is starting to make his move, try to be a little aloof.
Do not totally avoid him because he may think you do not like him.
Just give him a little space and chance to really pursue you.
Make him realize that you are worth pursuing for.
The man will treasure you more if he spent much effort in winning your heart.
Sixth, make efforts in making yourself attractive.
Do not be a hypocrite and think that outward appearance does not matter in a relationship.
It does no matter how much people tell you that it doesn't.
Always make sure that you look decent and presentable.
Always keep a proper hygiene too because body odor and bad breath are a great turn off for men.

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