Home & Garden Pest Control

Fruit Fly Control

As you probably know, fruit flies are mostly harmless.
That does not mean you want them in your home though, as they can be very annoying and hard to get rid of once they are there.
It is common to have a piece of fruit go bad once in a while, and when that happens, these little buggers come out of nowhere, or so it would seem.
It can be a bit difficult to get rid of them once they are in your home, but there are some things you can do about fruit fly control so you can say goodbye to them for good?or at least until your next banana goes bad.
Fruit flies are smaller than your common house fly.
They seem to float through the air rather than fly, but that is probably because they are so tiny.
They are actually more adept at avoiding death than you may think, but they certainly can not fly as fast as many of the other pests that may show up in your home.
They do tend to prefer fruit, which is why they are commonly called fruit flies.
Part of fruit fly control would be to get rid of the bad fruit they are eating, but that does not guarantee that they are going to be gone for good.
Any food that is left out can be food for fruit flies.
They do not just eat fruit, though that is what they prefer.
If you have an abundance of flies buzzing around, but you are sure you have searched your kitchen high and low for any fruit that may be the problem, it could be something else they are feasting on.
Children are often careless with food, so it could be that your fruit fly control may be about cleaning your kids rooms, playrooms, or common play areas.
You may just find the source of food hidden somewhere unexpected.
You can also use bleach as a part of your fruit fly control.
Take a half a cup of bleach and pour it down your sink drains.
This will allow the bleach to sit in the drain pipe or trap.
Do not run the water in that sink for at least a half an hour to be sure you have killed them all.
Don't forget to hit the sinks in your kitchen and bathroom, and don't leave the tub drain out.
They can thrive on bits of food and other things that sit in your sink traps.
Most people with problems find that this clears things up rather quickly.
Sometimes, you may have to leave fruit fly control up to the professionals.
If you have a bad problem and no matter what you do you can not find the source or from where they are coming, you may have to call in pest control to figure it out for you.
They can probably locate and eliminate the problem when you have had no luck.
Fruit flies generally are not blamed for carrying disease or causing any health problems, but there is no need or sense in having them in your home.
If all else fails, call in the pros to take care of the problem for you.

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