Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Successful Courting - Stopping the Heartache Before it Starts

Is your marriage falling apart? Is your man treating you like used brake pads? Does something about the girl your seeing just seem a little 'off'? Are you lying there in bed at 2 a.
staring at your wife, wondering where this love train jumped the tracks? Have you been dealing with cheating and lying by your significant other for awhile now and wondering what your doing wrong? Most of us have done that at some point in our lives.
It probably started out with petty arguments and the silent treatment.
Then it escalated into physical abuse, working late hours to avoid the issue or even infidelity.
After that three-month romantic holiday ends, people begin to show the real side of their personality and that's when the gloves come off.
How can we as thinking human beings make sure this doesn't happen? How about taking a walk through the yellow pages and stopping in the P's.
That's right call a good private investigator, a gum-shoe or even an old high school chum who got into law enforcement.
Wouldn't it be better to pay a couple hundred bucks now for a garden-variety background check than a couple thousand later for an annulment? Here's a few more ideas...
Google them 2.
Check out their high school alumni page for some ex's and take them to lunch.
Ask them where they've worked in the past and go find out why they left.
If they've owned businesses check with the Secretary of State and Better Business Bureau on their status.
Men, take dad his favorite beverage, ask him what she was like growing up.
Listen way more than you talk.
Women, ditto with mom.
Find out where they used to go before you and go there.
Casually ask the bartender about him or her.
You work hard for your money.
Ask yourself this question.
Would I rather give my nest-egg to a boat dealer, your favorite charity, your kids or a divorce attorney.
You either pay the butcher's bill now or later with interest.

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