What You Don"t Know About Your NCLEX RN - How To Pass It
I'm sure you've heard stories and experiences from your friends or previous NCLEX RN exam candidates about the difficulty to pass the NCLEX RN.
If you don't believe those stories let me just tell you that yes, they are true.
The NCLEX test is among the toughest if not the most difficult test you'll have to face on your road to become a successful nurse.
And every year, many examinees face the same problem which causes them to fail the test.
The Mistake That Exam Candidates Make, Again And Again Every year, the NCLEX RN challenges aspiring nurses and many fail because they lack something crucial.
Is it the problem with their nursing program? Is it the inadequate nursing exam guide? Or is it they are not able to sit down and go through their study guides and practice tests? Actually, none of these are the reasons many NCLEX RN candidates fail the exam.
I'm sure they studied long and hard and dedicated a big chunk of their time to prepare themselves for the NCLEX test.
The real mistake that candidates make again and again, year in and year out is that they don't know much about how to apply what they have learnt.
Instead, they focus only on memorizing the notes and facts in the study guide and expect the NCLEX test questions to ask exactly what is written in their nursing exam guide.
The NCSBN designs the NCLEX test questions to test your critical thinking skills and knowledge on how to apply what you have learned in nursing school instead of just asking you facts and theories.
So if you only focus on how to recall all the info that you learned in nursing school and from your NCLEX review materials, you'll surely fail the exam.
Many nursing exam candidates say that they are shocked when they sit for the NCLEX because of the difference between this exam and what they usually face in nursing school.
So now you know, the NCLEX RN is on another level compared to nursing school exams.
The NCLEX is designed to test future nurses and make sure that they can bring what they have learnt into the real world and be competent and independent health care personnel.
Be Smart - Use the Right Study Materials Often times, your NCLEX study review guide concentrates more on memorization, for example, using flashcards to memorize information.
What you need to do is find a NCLEX RN study guide which gives you information and also tests you on your practical applications of your nursing knowledge.
You must know how to treat a patient quickly and safely.
That's your job as a nurse.
So, remember to think how you can apply your nursing knowledge to a situation before answering a NCLEX RN question.
If you don't believe those stories let me just tell you that yes, they are true.
The NCLEX test is among the toughest if not the most difficult test you'll have to face on your road to become a successful nurse.
And every year, many examinees face the same problem which causes them to fail the test.
The Mistake That Exam Candidates Make, Again And Again Every year, the NCLEX RN challenges aspiring nurses and many fail because they lack something crucial.
Is it the problem with their nursing program? Is it the inadequate nursing exam guide? Or is it they are not able to sit down and go through their study guides and practice tests? Actually, none of these are the reasons many NCLEX RN candidates fail the exam.
I'm sure they studied long and hard and dedicated a big chunk of their time to prepare themselves for the NCLEX test.
The real mistake that candidates make again and again, year in and year out is that they don't know much about how to apply what they have learnt.
Instead, they focus only on memorizing the notes and facts in the study guide and expect the NCLEX test questions to ask exactly what is written in their nursing exam guide.
The NCSBN designs the NCLEX test questions to test your critical thinking skills and knowledge on how to apply what you have learned in nursing school instead of just asking you facts and theories.
So if you only focus on how to recall all the info that you learned in nursing school and from your NCLEX review materials, you'll surely fail the exam.
Many nursing exam candidates say that they are shocked when they sit for the NCLEX because of the difference between this exam and what they usually face in nursing school.
So now you know, the NCLEX RN is on another level compared to nursing school exams.
The NCLEX is designed to test future nurses and make sure that they can bring what they have learnt into the real world and be competent and independent health care personnel.
Be Smart - Use the Right Study Materials Often times, your NCLEX study review guide concentrates more on memorization, for example, using flashcards to memorize information.
What you need to do is find a NCLEX RN study guide which gives you information and also tests you on your practical applications of your nursing knowledge.
You must know how to treat a patient quickly and safely.
That's your job as a nurse.
So, remember to think how you can apply your nursing knowledge to a situation before answering a NCLEX RN question.