Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Self Esteem Activities

If you are anything like the majority of human beings, you were probably raised in a not-exactly-perfect home. Maybe your early years were peppered with biting, critical words that you carry with you in some hidden pocket. These words are kept just in case you forget who, what, or why you are the way you are. When you are searching for self esteem activities, the first consideration ought to be these words from your early years that you still carry about. These aren't mere excuses for being who you are; they are more like the script you read from, in case you forget your "place." Self esteem activities may vary greatly, but most have this thread in common-that human beings are greatly shaped by the words they have heard about themselves along the way. Keep in mind the power of words to shape your thinking and identity as you seek out self esteem activities.
Case in point: you may have heard some powerfully negative voices in your childhood. These voices may have belonged to your parents, siblings, other family members or peers. To whom they belonged is relevant, but for purposes of this illustration we'll ignore that for now. How many times in a day or week do you hear some of these voices from the past? If you are anything like me, you hear these voices quite often. No, I am not schizophrenic, and I'm sure many of you reading this are the same way. Particularly, the voices are negative in nature. When we find ourselves under duress, or in times of celebration, or anything in between that triggers one of these trips down memory lane, we are transported back to how we felt then.
When considering self esteem activities, it is vitally important to make the study, correction and use of the words from our past of central focus. They are changeless bits of our history that we carry with us to job interviews, right beside our resume. We may hear these voices around certain times of year that are punctuated events in our development of our self image. If those in authority over you as you were growing up were angry or abusive in any way, then whenever we are in similar situations we tend to respond the same way.
It is liberating to identify the problems we carry with us as part of our self esteem activities, that way we can address and not run from them. Knowing that opinions of those in our past aren't the "rule of law" in deciding our future trajectory is another powerful tool in our self esteem activities. When we view ourselves, in order to view ourselves correctly, we need to discover tools that can free us from the tyranny of the past and the harmful words we shuttle about with us like so much dead weight.
In essence, we are the product of what we think. If we think negative thoughts, parts of our lives will be doomed to failure. Positive thoughts will help you expand into areas you previously held back from. By changing the way you think, you change your future.

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