Health & Medical Self-Improvement

I"m an Expert! No You"re Not, Dude, Don"t Lie!

I believe one aspect of being a mentor is to share my story and experiences.
Relay my thoughts, feelings and struggles in a way that will help others overcome their own issues.
Let them know that they are not alone.
I would like to share with you one of those experiences, overcoming fear and anxiety of negative responses.
I'm an Expert! No You're Not, Dude, Don't Lie! Wikipedia defines an expert: "...
a person with extensive knowledge or ability based on research, experience, or occupation and in a particular area of study...
" Some people may think that because they are just now starting to see my name that I am not an expert (knowledgeable) in my certain area.
Just like all of you, I have spent a life time obtaining this knowledge.
Along the way, I realized you cannot let people dictate to you what you are or are NOT! Overcoming Fear and Anxiety of Negative Responses Shortly after I was introduced to attraction marketing, I produced an article and someone left a negative comment.
I was so afraid that I offended someone that I allowed this negative response to paralyze me for months.
Afraid to sit at my computer and write.
But, something inside kept telling me that there was something I was suppose to do.
Through my personal development training, I began to realize what that something was.
Overcome my fear and share with others so they too can learn to overcome their fears.
Therefore, I began to write again.
Feeling confident in my knowledge I wrote several articles and have had some very good reviews.
Needless to say, the negative response monster reared its ugly head once again.
I was not about to let it defeat me this time! Promote YOU and Be Branded as an Expert! I wrote an article entitled "Promote YOU and Be Branded as an Expert!".
The content contained three surefire ways to promote YOU: 1.
share your expert knowledge in a "niche" market, 2.
utilize your name since YOU are the product, and 3.
make your article titles as important as the body.
Being excited, I wanted to see what others thought of my article.
I began reading this one particular comment and the first line read: "I don't believe that branding yourself as an "Expert" is really the right term.
" I froze! Oh no, did I offend someone again by not using the "RIGHT TERM"? I began skimming over the other comments looking for other negative words, feeding my fear.
I let my fear reply back: "Thank you all for your comments.
Wow, and I got this information out of a book.
Guess I still have a learning curve to deal with.
" I was giving in to my fear, allowing it to have power over me.
After I left the comment, I shut down shop for the night and went to bed.
Later that night, laying awake I began to think: Was I really going to let this fear affect me again? NO! I am NOT! I have learned through my journey that you have to believe in yourself, believe in what you have to say.
So what if someone thought I did not use the "RIGHT TERM".
It was the message and what I believe in that was important.
The next morning I recanted my reply and posted the following: "Thank you all for your comments.
However, I think you are stuck on the terminology...
" Wow did I feel relieved.
I stood up to what I believed in.
I went back and read the comments again.
The comments took on a whole new meaning.
This time I wasn't looking for the negative response.
After a second glance, I realized that a majority of the comments were actually confirming my thoughts.
I Am What I Am I AM an expert (knowledgeable) and no one is going to change my mind.
I have worked hard to acquire my knowledge, learning from the best.
I will not let anyone's opinion dictate what I am or am not.
I have overcome my fear and anxiety of negative responses.
I would like for you to take away from this experience is the understanding that you cannot let others opinion determine what you are or are not.
You have a product that is unlike any others.
You know that product inside and out, an expert with extensive knowledge of that product.
And the product I am referring to is YOU! Nobody knows you better.
How can they say you are not an expert (knowledgeable about YOU).

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