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General Hospital Daily Recap for June 3, 2009

Michael Puts His Foot Down
Sonny walks in and puts a stop to Claudia as she's redecorating. Carly decorated the place just the way he likes it. Claudia accuses Sonny of punishing her because she gets along with Michael better than he does with Carly.

Jason is concerned that Carly can't deal with Michael at home. Carly believes that she can. She is adamant that she will not allow Claudia to use Michael for her own ends, which Carly believes have to do with Sonny.

She has no idea that Claudia wants Michael where she can monitor his memory! Jason tells her not to worry about Claudia; he'll take care of her. What does he have on her? Carly asks, but no matter how she pushes, Jason won't tell her.

Michael wants to get out of the hospital and is pushing to continue therapy, though the therapist tells him the session is over. Monica puts a stop to their argument and tries to calm him down. She advises Michael that his muscles have to rest. She knows what it's like to wake up and feel like you've lost everything. She promises him that he hasn't, but he has to follow the treatment and let the people at the hospital help him. Sonny enters and is happy to see him standing. Michael wants Sonny to promise him that if he works really hard, Sonny will get Dr. Drake to release him early.

Back in his room, Michael asks Sonny to get him a therapist who will push him harder. Sonny promises that he will. Jason asks to speak with Sonny outside. He suggests that Michael stay in the hospital for the appointed time.

If he gets out early and loses it, can Carly handle it? Sonny, riddled with guilt, wants to do what Michael wants.

When Sonny gets home, Carly is there. Sonny knows that Michael is working him, he says. Carly acknowledges that he is working them against one another, and that it's important they be a united front. Sonny gives her an argument. He does see her point of view, and the two hug, just as Claudia enters.

Patrick and Rebecca enter Michael's room, and Robin announces that she's going to be working on his case with Patrick. She tests his limbs to see how the PT is working. His face grimaces in pain, though he denies it. She prescribes an anti-inflammatory and comments that the physical therapist is pushing him too hard. Michael loses his temper, saying that she can't stop him from getting out of the hospital. When she attempts to reason with him, Michael goes ballistic and tells her to get out. Jason rushes in to break it up.

The Cougar Strikes

Olivia sees Johnny at the MetroCourt. Claudia gets off the elevator. Olivia spots her and kisses Johnny. Claudia rips her away from Johnny and yells, "Hey, whore, get your hands off my brother!" She threatens Olivia, and Johnny makes his position clear to his sister: "If anything happens to Olivia, I will bury you." Olivia invites Claudia to come and get her. After she leaves, Johnny and Claudia face off. Johnny thinks they should tell the truth about what happened, that too many people are already involved. Claudia remains delusional.

Luke Isn't Finished with DNA

Luke buys a DNA test, one that is sent in the results are checked online. Ethan hesitates, saying, well, what if things aren't as they seem? Luke says there are lots of things that Ethan doesn't know about him; if there are things to learn about Ethan, he'll take them as they come. Ethan just doesn't want him to be disappointed. Tracy enters and asks what he's up to. Luke hides the envelope and dances around the question.

Nikolas and Rebecca Annoy People

Nikolas and Rebecca talk at the hospital while Alexis and Elizabeth watch them and discuss Rebecca's Emily impersonation. Elizabeth notices that she's changed her makeup and looks more like Emily than ever. Rebecca and Nikolas kiss, and Epiphany stops them, reminding Rebecca to re-read the employee manual about inappropriate behavior. Nikolas leaves with a smile on his face. Rebecca approaches Elizabeth and Alexis later while Elizabeth is on break and asks where she should work so that they can watch her better. Elizabeth remarks that Rebecca going after Nikolas is cruel. Rebecca calls it's bizarre to want Nikolas to remain faithful to a dead woman.

Back at the nurse's station, when Elizabeth comments on the new makeup, Rebecca accuses her of being the makeup police. Elizabeth says, "You never minded being reminded of Emily. You're trying to look like her." Rebecca responds, "What if I am?"

Nikolas is working in his stable when Rebecca enters - all in white, soft makeup - Emily city. They quickly and mutually decide not to wait the two weeks before making love. They have sex in the barn.

Alexis and Agent Rayner meet. He has some great info on Rebecca, but he's not handing it over until he "sees how our date goes." "Date?" Alexis asks. Rayner wants to make small talk. She tells Rayner that if he has interest in her, he consider the fate of those who went before him. Rayner says he's not a homicidal maniac, to which Alexis remarks, "Darn. And it was going so well." Alexis pushes him for the info, and Rayner tells her - Rebecca is a black market baby, adopted illegally.

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