Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Why Do People Really Snore?

One familiar whining that can be heard among friends or even married couples is about snoring.
It can't be avoided that friends sleep together when doing projects in schools or when they just simply want to spend the night with each other.
More so, married couples do sleep together in one bed.
Such a happy situation wherein individuals are in bed and chatting until everyone falls asleep.
The problem comes in when the clock starts ticking all the way to midnight when all individual is in deep slumber and suddenly, one will hear an irritating sound of someone snoring, snuffling or as if someone is having difficulty in breathing all the way to a happy sleep.
But the people around can't sleep at all.
Out of 10 people, 6 individuals snore.
Studies have shown that most of the said statistics are suffering from obesity or weight problems.
Both men and women are prone to snort whether as caused by weight problems or simply by suffering from colds or allergies.
One question remains though.
Why do people snore? Yes, people snore, no doubt about it.
They snore when the passage way of air located in the back of our throat is blocked or obstructed; it produces the sound called snore.
Notice that when an individual was diagnosed to have too many tissues at the back of their throat, a condition of the palate, the tonsils and the uvula flapping against each other occurs.
Such occurrence causes people to snore.
Also, when a person has poor muscle tone in their throat, snoring can be expected.
This is primarily because the vibrations produced from the throat are obstructed.
Apparently, the aforementioned situations are noticeable among obese people or those suffering from weight problems.
Fat people have double chins.
When sleeping, the chins are being pressed down to the throats.
When such happens, the airways are being clogged or blocked, hence snoring.
9 out of 10 obese people snore.
  In addition, when nose are clogged due to colds, it will be hard to breathe even in sleep.
If you are suffering from colds, you can notice that you tend to open your mouth when sleeping.
Because the throat is not used to that kind of position it cannot easily adjust and thus, produces snore.
Moreover, when people can't sleep they resort to drinking sleeping pills.
Many sleeping pills do not have any negative side effects but most of it causes people to snore.
The relaxant component of sleeping pills relaxes the muscles of the throat and the face.
When the muscles are relaxed, it sags back to the passage of air and obstructs the air flow.
Regardless of whether what causes people to snore, it is more important to prevent it by maintaining a healthy living and stay away from obesity.
It is also best to consult your doctor since snoring can be a serious medical problem.
Prescription will be the best way to prevent snoring and to for all to enjoy a good sleep.

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